Why do your ears burn?

Many people are already accustomed to various temporary changes in the body and do not even pay attention to it, for example, you can suddenly sneeze, scratch your nose or feel the heat in the ears. In ancient times, people treated such signals very carefully, as they helped to learn important information about the present and the future. Many are curious to know what it means when your ears burn at different times. Signs were formed over many years and the basis for them were numerous observations. It is important to consider that the reason may be not in superstitions, but in some changes in the body.

People's signs about why the ears are burning

It has long been proven the enormous power of words that can cause serious problems. Esotericists believe that there are many people in the world who have the ability to capture energy waves that a person sends during a conversation, and they can be both positive and negative. In most cases, a "fire" in the area of ​​the ears indicates that someone is currently talking about you. If the left ear burns, then the conversation is negative and people can discuss and dissolve rumors. When discomfort appears in the right ear, people talk about you in a positive way.

There is another explanation of the omens, why the ears are burning, according to which it is a harbinger of the weather change. Still it can mean getting good news. When the right ear is burning, it is an indication that you are being told the truth, and if the left one is a lie. In ancient times people believed that if you guess the name of the one who is discussing, then the ear will immediately cease to burn. It works only if the person is from a close environment. The right ear can burn if someone wants to find you, but at the moment he has no way of doing it. It is believed that the ear will cease to burn at once, as it will be possible to organize a long-awaited meeting.

To what ears on days of week burn:

  1. Monday is a harbinger of a serious conflict that will arise quite unexpectedly. It is recommended to behave as discreetly as possible, so as not to aggravate the problem.
  2. Tuesday is a sign that warns about a possible separation or loss of a loved one. It is worth trying to settle all the problems and establish relationships with loved ones.
  3. Wednesday is a harbinger of an unexpected meeting, which will give many positive emotions. Perhaps, it is necessary to meet with a man who in the past occupied a great importance in life.
  4. Thursday is a positive sign, indicating good news. Another interpretation of the sign, explaining to what the ears burn in the evening or at any other time on this day, indicates the possibility of obtaining a pleasant gift.
  5. Friday is the harbinger of a date, which can have a good perspective.
  6. Saturday is a bad sign, which indicates the receipt of negative news. Perhaps in the near future to face numerous troubles and problems.
  7. Sunday is a harbinger of getting a good profit, which will positively affect the financial condition.

Why do your ears burn according to scientific reasons?

Redness in the ear can occur when a person is ashamed or worried. It is noticed that the ears are poured with blood, when the brain actively works, for example, during mental efforts. Another redness occurs when the temperature changes dramatically, for example, if a person comes from a cold place in a warm place. When the ears burn often and for a long time, then do not think about the signs, but you need to go to the doctor's office, because this can be a signal about the presence of some disease.