Popular signs of October

With each single month of the year, their superstitions are bound up. In most cases, people used the signs to determine the weather for the future. October weather will tell you about the winter. In Russia this month was called "leaffall" because the leaves are actively falling and people are already aware that winter is coming soon.

Popular signs of October

Slavs believed that the month of bad weather is coming - the beginning of family happiness. October was compared with March, as these months are very fickle.

Common signs of October:

  1. If leaves from a birch or an oak fall down impure, means, winter will be severe. In the event that these trees stand bare, the year will be easy.
  2. When leaves from trees fall face up - this is a harbinger of a bad harvest next year, and vice versa.
  3. According to people's precepts, to hear the thunder in October, then we should expect a winter without snow.
  4. If on October 1 a person saw cranes flying in the sky, then in two weeks there will be first severe frosts.
  5. High weeds predict a lot of snow this year.
  6. If on October 3 the north wind is cold, and if the south wind is warm.
  7. There is a sign that means that a thunderstorm in October heralds a warm winter with a small amount of snow.
  8. If you look at the moon in early October, you can see the emerging circle, then the summer will be dry.
  9. To see the white clouds in the sky for a few days, then you should expect a cold snap.
  10. If frosty frost in the morning on the grass is a harbinger of rain.
  11. According to another note, a red rainbow in October is a harbinger of a strong wind.
  12. To see a lot of mosquitoes means that the winter will be mild.
  13. If in the end of October it was possible to find mushrooms - this is an indication that the snow will not fall soon.

To believe in signs or not, this is everyone's business, but remember that they arose not just for a few decades ago, they were used without any doubt.