Inna Volovichova's diet

Despite the fact that the TV project "House 2" causes a very controversial public opinion, many people, even those who are not a fan of this reality show, were interested in the participant Inna Volovichova. In front of the spectators a miracle was performed: the 54-year-old pussy who came to the project with a weight of 100 kg, turned into a well-proportioned lady of the 46th size. Not surprisingly, the diet of Inna Volovichova causes such a stormy interest.

How Inna Volovichova lost weight: a diet

The fact that the diet of Volovichova works fine, could be personally convinced by all viewers of the TV project. For a few months the pussy dropped 28 (!) Kilograms - and this is not the limit, because it does not intend to stop there.

In the past, Inna tried various methods, including the popular Kremlin diet - but due to emerging health problems, this had to be abandoned. Perhaps that's why Volovichova herself made a diet, which eventually led her to harmony. The girl was merciless to herself and from the diet completely ruled out a number of products:

Relief was only at the expense of black bread - his girl was eating in limited quantities. Is after six evenings Inna forbade herself, and if she was hungry - she ate grapefruit or drank a glass of low-fat kefir.

Inna Volovichova's diet by days

The whole diet of Inna Volovichova is divided into three stages - the preparatory, the actual diet and output.

  1. The first stage is preparation, during which only prohibited products are excluded. This stage lasts 1-2 weeks.
  2. The second stage is a diet, during which not only the list of prohibited foods is excluded, but the food itself passes within a certain diet. At the same time the diet menu of Volovichova assumes a strict schedule, which she adhered to for several months:
    • breakfast - a small portion of oatmeal on the water without sugar + fruit;
    • lunch - lean meat or fish + a garnish of fresh or stewed vegetables;
    • dinner - fresh fruit or vegetables, low-fat yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. The third stage is the way out of the diet, during which the products are gradually added. Prohibited products still remain banned.

Even after leaving the diet to maintain weight, it is necessary to be very cautious about the choice of foods, because if the caloric content of the diet increases sharply, then the weight lost with such difficulty will necessarily return.

Inna Volovichova: a diet or a deceit?

There is an opinion that Volovichova did not lose weight naturally, but applied certain pills or surgeries. First of all, the fact of the fact that for many years the girl saved up excess weight, and when she got rid of it, causes a controversy, she did not have the effect of saggy skin, although it is rather difficult to call a sports lady.

If you critically approach the diet - in fact, it is low-calorie, and the daily diet includes about 600-800 calories, depending on the size of portions. It's no secret that such a diet will inevitably slow down the metabolism, and the body will need either shaking, or some additional measures to continue to lose weight with the same diet.

In many diets, in order not to have a plateau effect (when a low-calorie diet weighs "on" one indicator), recommend fractional meals 5-6 times a day. However, with three meals a day this point is not explicitly taken into account.

However, a low-calorie diet and rejection of fatty and sweet is a guaranteed way to harmony. That's only if after this do not continue to limit themselves, the weight will return in excess in the shortest time.