Barking cough in a child - treatment

Cough is very common in children, because it is a symptom and consequence of many diseases, so there are several of its types. The most unpleasant and dangerous is dry barking cough, its treatment depends on the disease, the symptom of which it is.

In this article, we will look at how to treat a child with a barking cough and how to relieve the condition during his attacks.

Pharmacological treatment for barking cough in a child

Since the appearance of such a cough is associated with various diseases, there is no single medical treatment for dry barking cough in children, so it is better not to engage in self-treatment and immediately seek medical attention. After the examination and determination of the disease, he will appoint that of the drugs you need to drink when barking coughing to your baby.

Depending on the disease, there are general recommendations for treatment:

  1. Pharyngitis is a means that reduces the sensitivity of the larynx to irritants and has an antibacterial property (vokara, decatilene, Ingalipt-type sprays), and at night - antitussives (mucaltin, Sinekod, Kodelak Phyto) and necessarily inhalation with herbs or medicines.
  2. Tracheitis and bronchitis - the first three days - mucolytic drugs, for example: lazolvan, ambroben, bromhexine, ACTS, ambroxol, broncholitin. Then, after 2-3 days expectorants - gedelix, Dr. IOM, Mukaltin, licorice root or alteyka. After starting expectoration of sputum, take any medication is not recommended.
  3. Allergies are antihistamines taken by the child, in accordance with his age (suprastin, clemastin, claritin, zirtek, cetrine, kestin (ebastin)).
  4. Pertussis is a complex of antibiotics (for example erythromycin) with antibacterial and antitussive drugs, and sometimes antihistamines are added.

Treatment of barking cough with folk remedies

There are many popular recipes for treating dry barking cough in children:

All these folk methods of treatment are better for using simultaneously with taking medications prescribed by a doctor, then the cough will pass much faster.

How to relieve the child's condition when barking cough?

Prior to the appointment of treatment barking cough in the child and during it is recommended to perform the following procedures:

Very good treatment and treatment, and relief of the child's condition with dry barking coughing are inhalations with the help of a nebulizer. For them, you can take just mineral water (better "Borjomi") or saline solution.

It is very important not to delay with the treatment of dry barking cough, because it can lead to the development of a child such a dangerous disease as cereals.