Types of attention in psychology

Psychology is a very subtle and multifaceted science. In this article we will look at the types of attention and try to give them a description.

Attention, its types and properties

In Russian psychology, scientists identify the following main types of attention :

When we are engaged in a certain business solely on our own, the focus will be arbitrary or involuntary. At a time when we are doing something, because we set a goal and we need to do this, then the nature of concentration will be arbitrary. We suggest you to consider the types of attention in detail.

Involuntary attention

This kind of attention arises spontaneously, regardless of what the person is doing at the moment. The main reason for this kind of attention is the environment surrounding the person, as well as instincts and emotions. A person experiences a sudden interest in the occupation for no apparent reason, but they do exist. The appearance of involuntary attention can be affected by external sharp stimuli, for example, flashes of light, an unpleasant smell and sudden loud noises. At night, our body reacts more strongly to stimuli of this kind. In addition, more attention is drawn to unfamiliar or little-known sounds.

Attention to the personality attracts unusual details of stimuli, for example color, size, extent and other parameters. The attitude of the person to the given irritant is also of great importance. For example, if the stimulus causes unpleasant associations or sensations, then the person will have negative emotions . And those stimuli that will cause a positive reaction in a person can attract his attention for a long period of time.

Attention is arbitrary

Consider an arbitrary type of attention and its functions. A distinctive feature is the fact that a person is given a goal to perform certain tasks. The main function is control over mental processes. This kind of attention is often called active, it appears in the person as a result of his perseverance and concentration. The mind helps us to understand what is important at the moment and helps to distract from involuntary attention. In young children, voluntary attention begins to form only after reaching the age of two.

Attention post-personal

This type of attention is characterized by the following: first, the person had voluntary attention, which worked due to willpower, and then the process turned into involuntary attention due to human emotions.