Why does the child cry?

All the little children cry, and we think it's natural. Crying is a different and experienced mom can easily distinguish whether her child needs urgent help, or he just needs attention. Nevertheless, a child's tears are often an indication that a child wants to convey information to adults and can do so only in this form. Let's take a look at the problem of why young children are crying.

Why do children cry when they are born?

The very first cry of the baby is always a joyful and long-awaited moment for every mother the child was born! But why, instead of a toothless smile, do we see a picture of the baby crying desperately?

The process of labor is difficult and painful for the mother and baby, but only in different ways. Passage through the birth canal, a sharp change in the habitual environment scares the child, and the first breath of air and bright light cause painful sensations. And, of course, the only reaction to all this is a piercing cry.

Why does an infant cry?

For this, he has a lot of reasons. As soon as the baby has become wet, cold or vice versa, it is hot he immediately notifies relatives about this in the only way available to him. A sharp sound or bright light, a stranger can simply frighten a little one, and he begins to ask for protection from his mother, calming down only in her arms.

It happens that the baby is crying very often, but why is this happening and how can it be helped? Most likely he is worried about something more serious than a wet diaper. The cause of crying in infants is often painful colic caused by the accumulation of air in the intestine.

Why does the child bend and cry?

Most often during a strong crying, the child involuntarily tilts the head back and arches in the lower back. This happens in many perfectly healthy children. But when such seizures become regular, it is necessary to examine the neurologist, who can detect hypertonic muscle or increase intracranial pressure .

Why does a child cry after sleep?

At the age of 5 years, babies often cry when they wake up after a day's sleep. Their nervous system is still imperfect and the abrupt transition from a state of rest to a state of wakefulness is expressed in this form. It is noticed that if on a revival with a baby there is a mother, then tears practically do not happen.

Why does a child, when crying, roll up?

The reasons for this are all in the same imperfect nervous system. Such crying is unsafe and can cause respiratory arrest. It will not be superfluous to consult a children's neurologist. In order for the child to calm down, it is necessary to blow it gently in his mouth or face. By 3-5 years, such attacks safely end.