How to develop a child in 6 months?

Half a year is the first important milestone in the life of your baby, after crossing which his motor activity sharply increases. Your child is already trying to crawl, easily turns over from the abdomen on the back and back, deftly acts with both hands, and his mental development is simply a seven-league steps. That's why most parents are interested in how to properly develop a child in 6 months, so that he does not lag behind other peers.

Developing games for kids of this age

It is during this period that your child is increasingly seeking to know the world around him, so it is important to provide him with all the conditions for this. Although now developing toys for children from 6 months are abundantly represented in the respective stores, we will consider which of them will be most useful for the young researcher. In addition, mom and dad can also use improvised means to teach the baby, which must necessarily take place in a game form.

Consider the most interesting and accessible to all parents ways of developing a baby:

  1. Diversify tactile sensations. Of all the developmental activities for children 6 months this is one of the simplest and easiest. Simply guide the baby's handle on a variety of surfaces: firm and soft, warm and cold, smooth and rough - and he will have great pleasure. Use not only toys, but also various household items such as spoons, a piece of silk or terry cloth, etc., is acceptable. Do not forget to name out loud the sensations that the child is experiencing at this time: this will also contribute to the development of speech. Also prepare a few bags with different cereals - both small and large. When you feel them, the crumb will first get acquainted not only with objects of different textures, but also get the first idea of ​​their size.
  2. Allow the baby to get a new visual experience. If you do not know how to accurately develop a child in 6-7 months, experts advise starting with the simplest. Place toys not only near the baby, but also at a distance, and tell him about objects to which he can not reach. Take care of that they were of different colors, it is desirable that among them there were also motley, and monophonic, as well as aged in dark and light shades. Place next to the baby several toys of the same color and one that differs sharply from them according to the color scheme, and then observe the reaction of the son or daughter.
  3. Constantly talk with a crumb. All the authors of the manuals, which talk about how to develop a child at 6 months, agree that you need to talk with him as often as possible: during feeding, changing clothes, while walking. Try to repeat the sounds and sound combinations that the baby publishes, such as "ugu", "ygy", etc. Thus, you can start an improvised conversation with him. Use short phrases and words in conversation and repeatedly return to them. Vowel sounds and chains of syllables can even be sung: for example, "ma-ma-ma", "ba-ba-ba," "g-gee-ge," etc. Be sure to vary the intonation and pronounce the sounds, for example, rounding the lips and inflating the cheeks.

What educational toys are suitable?

In developing games for a child of 6-7 months, it is preferable to use: