Cyst in the head of a newborn

The cyst in the head of the newborn consists of the walls forming the cavity, and the liquid component inside.


A cyst in the head of a newborn baby may be the only one, or it may be multiple cavities. They also differ in size and location. There are the following types of cysts:

  1. Vascular plexus cyst. Such a cyst in the head of a newborn is considered the norm at a certain stage of pregnancy. In a later period, it is an unsafe condition.
  2. Subependimal - usually develops in the place of circulatory disturbance in the area of ​​the ventricles of the brain. Such formations require a long-term observation in dynamics.
  3. Arachnoid - characterized by rapid growth and a rapid increase in symptoms associated with squeezing the structures of the brain.


Most often, the causes of the appearance of a cyst in the head of a newborn are congenital anomalies of brain development . It can also appear as a consequence of craniocerebral injuries, at the site of hemorrhage. The pathological focus usually develops in the area of ​​necrotic tissues. For example, in case of circulatory failure or after the inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. On the place of dead tissue, a cavity is formed. Over time, this formation is filled with fluid and can cause a certain clinical picture. The intrauterine infections contribute to the formation of the brain cyst. In particular, the herpes virus.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of a cyst in the head of a newborn depend on the size and location of the cavity. At small values ​​of education, the course of the disease is asymptomatic. Clinical manifestations are caused by squeezing the structures of the brain. In the presence of a pathological focus in a specific area of ​​the brain, the "function" falls out for which it is responsible:

In addition to the above, the child may experience cramps and even a stroke. And as a result - pareses and paralysis. Also characterized by a cerebrospinal fluid syndrome caused by increased intracranial pressure. It is manifested by frequent headaches of a bursting nature, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness. The consequence of a cyst in the head of a newborn may be a lag in physical and mental development.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of a cyst in the head of a newborn depends on its type. The vascular plexus cyst does not require specific therapy at all. Often such changes are resolved over time. When subependimal it is necessary to undergo several examinations a year to observe the dynamics of its growth. The formations of the arachnoidal type themselves do not disappear, therefore in this case the operative intervention is shown.

Operations can be divided into the following types:

  1. Radical - an open operation with trepanation of the skull. This implies the complete removal of the pathological focus with all the contents and walls.
  2. Palliative interventions are an endoscopic method or removal through shunts. These methods are less traumatic, because they are performed without trepanation, and through special punctures. However, there is a small drawback - the cavity of formation can not be emptied completely and after a while the growth of the pathological focus will resume.