Complications after caesarean section

Cesarean section is a routine operation that is performed in each maternity home several times a day. As a rule, the condition after cesarean in a young mother is satisfactory, within a day she can start to get out of bed and take care of the baby. However, we must not forget that there are possible complications after cesarean, which can negatively affect the condition of the mother and child. That is why it is necessary to perform the operation only according to the indications, so as not to expose yourself to extra risk.

Complications after cesarean for mom

Every mom wants to know, after Caesarean, what complications can occur. Among the most common - a large loss of blood, infection and the development of inflammation. Cesarean complications can also be related to the suture state. This suppuration, a hernia after cesarean section or even ligature fistula after cesarean. Prevention - thorough grooming and antibacterial therapy after surgery.

In addition, it is necessary to remember about the risk of developing thrombosis and worsening of the venous system. This can lead not only to the appearance of leg edema after cesarean section, but also to more serious consequences. Therefore, within 24 hours after the operation, doctors recommend that the mother begin to get up and walk.

There are also possible complications in subsequent births, for example, hematoma after cesarean or placental polyp after cesarean, which can also lead to complications and detachments, for prophylaxis, a thorough ultrasound examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Cesarean section - complications for the baby

Unfortunately, the complications after surgery can be not only in the young mother, but also in the baby. Among the most common problems - prematurity. In order for the operation to pass in a planned order without a period of labor during childbirth , it is done on average two weeks before the term of natural birth. Usually by 37-38 weeks the fruit is already ripening, but there are problems, for example, with the formulation of the term or with the development of the baby. That is why one of the most frequent complications is the unreadiness of the baby for extra-uterine life. In this case, special measures may be required, for example, placing the child in a kuvez for grooming. With the right tactics, this complication will not affect the baby's health in the future.

Among other possible problems - some drowsiness of the baby after childbirth as a result of the use of anesthesia and as a result an increased risk of developing pneumonia. Another problem is the refusal of the overwhelming majority of doctors to put the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth, which can cause problems with the establishment of breastfeeding. However, some doctors still do not mind putting the baby to the breast already in the operating room, which also reduces the likelihood of complications.

What if you have a complication after a cesarean?

In the event that the complication after cesarean section was revealed directly in the hospital, the specialists will take all measures to stabilize the woman's condition. The necessary drugs will be prescribed, medical procedures will be performed, as well as the young mother will give recommendations on further treatment, lifestyle and will talk about how to prevent the appearance of problems during the next pregnancy. However, complications do not always manifest themselves immediately. Sometimes they can appear after the young mother leaves the hospital home.

For example, the seam after a caesarean section has become infected. A young mother can consult in a women's consultation, and in a difficult case - go to a hospital or maternity hospital for a course of antibiotic therapy. At any suspicions on deterioration of state of health also it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

About what complications happen after cesarean, the doctor in the hospital will tell you. Also after cesarean discharge is not earlier than 7-10 days, it is also associated with the prevention of complications and the need to monitor the condition of mother and baby. Observing the recommendations of doctors, you can be sure that the situation will be resolved safely.