Candles of Methyluracil

Candles of Methyluracil are widely used in many medical industries, their main function is the rapid restoration of tissues. The drug stimulates the production of red blood cells and leukocytes by the body. The effect of metiluracil is very important in the defeat of mucous membranes, especially if it is accompanied by cornification of the integumentary epithelium. The active ingredient in this medicine is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, a white odorless powder.

In what cases do they prescribe Methyluracil?

Candles Methyluracil have a wide range of indications for use. This is due to its main property - the stimulation of the regeneration of the tissues of the vagina and rectum. In such an effect on the mucous tissues of these places need patients with such diseases:

In gynecology, methyluracil suppositories are used after operations related to the removal of the uterus and during rehabilitation after cauterization of cervical erosion . Doctors recommend using candles for women after abortions and removal of polyps. The drug helps to significantly reduce the postoperative period. Vaginal suppositories of metiluracil contribute to the rapid healing of micro-ruptures after childbirth, so they are often prescribed to young mothers to shorten the postpartum period of rehabilitation.

Contraindications and side effects of Methyluracil

In the first place, contraindications include hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the drug. Further, these are leukemic diseases, in particular:

The use of candles Methyluracil in pregnancy and lactation can create a risk for the fetus or infants. Therefore, before appointing the drug, the doctor necessarily conducts additional studies of the state of the mother's body and correlates the benefits that the medicine and the alleged harm can bring.

The use of the drug may be accompanied by unpleasant side effects, which you need to know about. Thus, a sensation of headache, mild itching, heartburn can deceive the patient, and he himself can stop using candles. But such phenomena are absolutely not dangerous and last not for long, so do not be afraid of them. The only thing that should alert is an allergic reaction to the drug. This side effect should be reported immediately to your doctor.

How to apply Methiluracil suppositories?

Rectal suppositories with methyluracil for hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon are appointed three to four times a day. Before using the drug, it is necessary to wash and dry hands thoroughly, then remove the candle from the package and slowly insert it into the anus.

Vaginal suppositories Methiluracil is used in a similar way, only to enter them is necessary in the vagina, while the number of procedures per day is prescribed by the attending physician. The maximum dose (in very rare cases) is two candles four times a day.

Usually recommend to apply no more than four candles per day. The feeling of burning or itching suggests that, most likely, the dosage should be reduced. Duration of treatment with candles Methyluracil can last up to four months.

Analogues of Methyluracil

The analogues of the drug according to the active substance are:

Methyluracil-AKOS is manufactured in the form of ointments, tablets and sponges. The drug has a wider range of uses than Methyluracil, since it is available in several forms. At the same time, their composition is practically the same. Methyluracil-AKOS is used to treat:

Meturacol is available in the form of plates. It is used for the treatment of granulating wounds and ulcers of various genesis, as well as for superficial burns. In this case, the sponge Meturacol can cause allergy or constriction, so the drug should be administered strictly under the supervision of a doctor.