How much should a child sleep in 2 months?

Caring for a small carapace is a very troublesome business. Very often young mummies, having studied the literature, consider that the norms of night sleep specified in it: 9-10 hours, and daytime: 7-8 hours, must be performed impeccably by babies. But is it really so, and whether parents should count on 9 hours of full-time night rest, we will try to understand this article.

Sleep of the child in 2 months

Two-month-old children, like babies born 30 days ago, observe practically the same daily routine: sleep, feeding, wakefulness and hygienic procedures. Pediatricians and psychologists, when asked how much a child should sleep in 2 months, respond that an average of 16-18 hours a day, but depending on the situation, the time may vary slightly. In many respects it depends on how the day passed, whether he had emotional stress, whether there are physiological ailments, for example, gastrointestinal colic, and whether he receives a norm of nutrition.

The child's sleep mode at 2 months is the following schedule:

As can be seen from the graph, the night rest is divided into two periods with a one-time awakening for food intake. However, not every mother can boast that her baby during the dark time of the day she worries only once. A child's night sleep in 2 months may be interrupted every two to three hours and, as many doctors believe, this is not a pathology. In addition to the above reasons for this behavior (malnutrition, disease and stress), there is one more that faces crumbs that have suffered a difficult birth - postpartum stress. It is manifested by the constant demand of the child to stay close to the mother. And it can be not only the desire to be very often on hand, but also to demand a breast or bottle, at short intervals. When asked how much a baby should sleep in 2 months with such a feature, doctors explain that the rest period of the baby should not be reduced. Reducing the number of periods of sleep or time, at least lead to the capriciousness of the child, and as a maximum - to overexcitation, which at two months old negatively affects the development of the nervous system of crumbs. It is necessary to fight this condition, and doctors advise it in several ways:

Features of sleep of children of two months of age

When asked how many hours a child sleeps at 2 months in the afternoon, there is an answer: from an hour to two. And this largely depends again on the factors that affect the physical and mental state of the baby. In infants of this age, superficial sleep is very often observed, which is manifested by awakening 30-40 minutes after falling asleep. As doctors explain, it's not worth fighting with, because it's unlikely to be able to change the nature, but you can sleep again by offering him a breast. Literally 5-7 minutes, and the crumb again will delight you with a sweet, deep sleep. Here the most important thing is that the food should be offered to the baby as soon as it starts to wake up, because at this age even a five-minute delay can lead to wakefulness.

So, no one will give an exact answer to the question of how much your baby should sleep in 2 months. There are certain time limits that are desirable to adhere to. However, if you notice that your baby is sleeping a little less or more than it should be, then there is no need to panic, perhaps it's just a feature of it. Another thing, if he wakes up at night every hour or sleeps for 20 minutes during the day, then it is worth more carefully reviewing the emotional situation in the family, his food, etc. And if that does not help, then consult a pediatrician.