Turpentine turpentine

Turpentine turpentine or purified terpenic oil is a product obtained from gum (resin of coniferous trees) by means of heat treatment. On an industrial scale, turpentine is produced by treating coniferous trees with gasoline, and then cleaning the obtained extract from impurities. Such turpentine is suitable for technical purposes, but it is not used in medicine. For the treatment use turpentine, obtained from gum, which is collected manually. For this, cuts are made on the trees and resin is collected in the tanks for subsequent processing. It is believed that the best turpentine turpentine is extracted from the resin of the seaside pine, Siberian cedar, fir and larch.

Properties of turpentine turpentine

Turpentine turpentine is a colorless or yellowish liquid with a characteristic coniferous odor. Due to the high content of alpha-pinenes, it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and locally irritating effects. Penetrating through the epidermis, it causes irritation of nerve endings and as a result - the expansion of blood vessels and improvement of blood circulation in this area.

Due to its antiseptic properties, turpentine turpentine is effectively used for inhalation with:

In this case, in addition to anti-inflammatory, turpentine also exerts an expectorant effect, due to irritation of bronchial receptors.

Outer turpentine turpentine is used as compresses and ointments, providing a weak analgesic, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect. In folk medicine, turpentine turpentine is used for healing:

In addition, turpentine turpentine is a part of many ointments used in the treatment:

Another application of turpentine turpentine as an external agent - with pediculosis (lice), as well as fleas and ticks.

Traditional medicine allows the reception of turpentine inside as an antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, pressure normalizing means. However, it is worth remembering that in high doses turpentine is toxic, and for consumption inside you can find safer means.

Baths with turpentine

Turpentine baths or baths Zalman - one of the most famous methods of using turpentine turpentine for medical purposes. Such baths have a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. Turpentine stimulates nerve endings, which favorably affects the capillary network, contributes to the expansion and improvement of capillary function, increasing the flow of oxygen to the cells, accelerating the excretion of toxins, and thus improving the condition of the body as a whole. Also after taking a bath sweating increases.

To prepare turpentine baths according to Zalman special emulsions are produced, which should be added to water:

  1. White emulsion - contains 45% of turpentine turpentine, salicylic acid and willow bark extract. Has a general anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, general stimulating and irritating effect.
  2. Yellow solution - contains 50% turpentine, oleic acid and castor oil. It is believed that it less irritates the skin, helps normalize blood pressure, but can cause a rise in body temperature.

After taking a medical bath, it is recommended that you lie down for two hours and avoid hypothermia.

Such baths are contraindicated when: