Child mode up to 1 year

A kid is a small man, who daily requires enormous attention and care. Any mom tries to make every day a child the most useful for his health and development. Sleep, food, games, walks and various procedures systematically accompany the newborn month after month. And the needs and behavior of crumbs within a year are changing rapidly. What should be the daily routine of a child up to a year, allowing mother to carry out the necessary care and not forget about important details?

Sleep and wakefulness

The regime of the child changes several times in the first year of life.

The first three - four weeks of the baby's day of life is in feeding and sleeping, the waking time is very short and is about 15 minutes.

And already from the second week it is necessary to accustom crumb to distinguish night and day and not to bring down a normal rhythm. During feeding at night, do not make noise, do not turn on bright light. Let the baby get used to sleep at night.

Beginning from 1 to 3 months, babies begin to stay awake and sleep less. A certain regimen is developed, and the duration of a child's sleep for up to a year should be about 10-12 hours a day. But do not forget that every kid is individual and small irregularities in rhythm are the norm. Remember that negative emotions (shouts, quarrels) and positive (gifts, guests, games) can overwork the baby. In this case, the time for sleep will increase.

Thus, two daytime sleeps are gradually formed-before lunch and after (approximately at 14-15 hours a day) for two hours. And by the year there is only one daytime nap after lunch.


The child's diet regime does not practically change for a year to a month. Feeding for up to three months is approximately 6-7 times a day. But up to 6 months, while the baby is on breastfeeding, his regime can be considered free. With half a year the child begins to eat 5 times a day and to the year only 4 times.

After 4 months, the introduction of the first complementary foods from vegetable purees of white vegetables (potatoes, zucchini) and fruit compotes and diluted juices (about 50 ml per day) is possible. Lure is always given before the main breastfeeding or before feeding the mixes. In the fifth month, porridge is introduced on milk, diluted with water (one to one), and the percentage of cereals in cereal is not more than five. In six months in vegetable puree, instead of vegetable broth, you can add not a strong chicken or beef. On the 7th month, a grated boiled egg and crushed boiled meat are added to the diet. But we should not forget that breastfeeding a child should receive only at will, and lure, while the family has breakfast, lunch or dinner. Thus, the regime of feeding a child for a year is characterized by a gradual variety of the daily menu and increased portions.

Walking and games

Concerning walks, it can be noted that the most optimal for a child will be 3-4 hours in the open air. Moreover, the good weather and healthy state of the child are very important.

Developmental games should be held until the child is tired. Before going to bed they are not welcome, as they can lead to overexcitation of the baby, going to sleep will be problematic.

Hygienic procedures are also important. It is advisable to conduct them twice a day. Morning washing begins for the child a new day, and bathing in the evening will tune to sleep.

If you follow the systematic regime of the day to 1 year (feeding and sleeping at the same time), the child will quickly get used to the desired routine. If parents have a certain regime, then, as a rule, the child gets the same inclinations. It is important to be sensitive to the behavior and desires of the child. After all, it will be much easier for a toddler to adapt, if his needs are met. Patience and love for the baby will help to find a compromise during the day.