Why dream of having sex with an ex?

Dreams of former lovers are not uncommon. In some cases, such stories only reflect the existing experiences about the former lover. If, after parting, much time has passed and the dreamer is in a new relationship, then sleep is worth explaining. For this it is important to take into account other details of the plot.

Why dream of having sex with an ex?

In some cases, an intimate affinity with a former lover in a dream can arise if there are problems in dealing with the present lover. Such a dream can be a harbinger of unexpected plans for the future. If the parting occurred on the initiative of a dreamer, then sex with a former guy in a dream can indicate the existing doubts about the correctness of the decision. A night vision of an intimate with a former lover may mean that in the near future you will have to pay for the acts that were committed earlier. In some cases, such a plot of sleep is an indication of the presence of self-doubt. Perhaps the dreamer thinks himself unworthy of something better and more than the former guy.

Sometimes a dream about having sex with a former person serves as a warning that in real life there is a threat of conflict with the current boyfriend. The situation can be quite serious, which eventually leads to parting. If such a dream is dreaming of a woman before the wedding, then, probably, she doubts about the correctness of the choice. Sex with an ex-husband in a dream can indicate the presence of dissatisfaction and hidden sexual desires. Another such plot may mean that soon you will have to pay for the committed warning of the emergence of various obstacles on the way to earlier actions. In one of the dream books, an intimate contact with a former guy is a goal .

Modern researchers believe that if you had to have sex in a dream with a former lover, then, in fact, there is an unrealized desire to be with this person in a relationship. If the feelings about the intima with the ex-boyfriend were pleasant, then the dreamer is actually ready for a new relationship. Sleep, where sex caused unpleasant feelings, warns of problems, and soon will have to make a difficult choice. To feel pain during sexual intercourse with a former lover is a sign that he can somehow influence the future life and, first of all, on a career.