Milk salmon - benefit and harm

Milk is a male seed gland in fish that can be eaten. They have a rather specific taste, however, there are many dishes with salmon milk. These parts of the fish contain high-grade proteins or protamines and are therefore very nutritious. We will tell you what is the use of milk from salmonids.

What are the benefits of salmon milk?

In order to evaluate the properties of this product, let us consider in more detail its chemical composition.

  1. Milk is very rich in vitamins B, C, E and H, so their use has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system: the vessels become more durable, the processes of hematopoies are more active, the viscosity of the blood is normalized. In addition, the work of immunity, skin and hair condition improves.
  2. In addition, milk is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. Their benefit lies in the ability to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis .
  3. Also the benefits that milk of salmon bring to us are due to the presence of iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in them. These elements are involved in the formation of hemoglobin, necessary for building muscles and normal functioning of the heart.
  4. Very interesting is the protein composition of this fish product. Milk is a source of protamine - a protein that can prolong the action of certain medicinal substances, for example, insulin. Therefore, people with diabetes are encouraged to include them in the menu.
  5. The more useful the salmonid milk is, the presence of amino acids of lysine, arginine and glycine. Lysine for us is an indispensable amino acid, and arginine is not synthesized in the child's body, so the milk will be useful for the baby. A replaceable amino acid glycine is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

It turns out that milk is very useful because of its rich chemical composition. People, in whose diet this product is present, are less prone to heart attacks and strokes, less likely to suffer from arterial hypertension, and generally have a fairly rapid metabolism.

Many are interested in whether salmonids are useful for those who lose or simply maintain weight. These parts of the fish are a dietary product, the calorie content of 100 grams of milk is 90 to 100 calories. The presence of B vitamins, which regulate the metabolism of proteins of fats and carbohydrates, allows to normalize metabolism and burn fat deposits more efficiently. Moreover, milk contains from 12 to 18 g of proteins, only 1.5 - 2 g of fats and an insignificant amount of carbohydrates . Thus, milk is an excellent source of protein, which is slowly digested, prolonging the feeling of satiety.

Benefit and harm of salmon milk

In most cases, there are no negative consequences from the use of this product. Those who want to try milk for the first time, it is recommended to eat first a small amount, because they can develop an allergic reaction, however, like any other product.

When choosing milk, make sure that they have a smooth surface, they should be whole, not mushy. Mature milk is light in color, and the organs of young fish have a reddish or pinkish hue. It is advisable to make purchases in trusted stores, because fish caught in contaminated reservoirs accumulate toxic substances in their tissues.

Try not to consume milk in raw form, as they may contain parasites. It should be salted, boiled or fried for 15 to 20 minutes, then added to salads, second courses, used to make pates or soups.