Why does an earthquake dream?

Dreams are tips and recommendations on how to cope with various troubles, and it is also a great opportunity to learn about the events of the future. Dreams about an earthquake often leave behind an unpleasant sensation that can accompany a person for a long time. Therefore, to immediately understand and confirm, or refute your forebodings, it is worth using the proposed interpretations. In advance it is necessary to analyze the dream taking into account all the details, and also draw an analogy with the events taking place in reality.

Why does an earthquake dream?

Any troubles from such a dream should not be expected, as, basically, it is a harbinger of changes that will occur in the near future. Perhaps, soon you are expected to move or change jobs, in general, the changes can be both physical and spiritual. A dream where you saw an earthquake can be taken as a recommendation that it's time to move on to action. If after a violent shake you did not see any destruction, then you can be calm, as there will be no problems and losses. Even such a night vision can predict a positive change.

Sleep, where you saw an earthquake, can be related to love relationships. Maybe you should talk to a partner and find out if something is not right for him, etc. If you have not only seen, but also felt strong tremors, then you should expect problems in work and business. Night vision, where you are in a safe place and look at the disaster - it is a symbol that you will not receive important news soon. A dream interpreter, to which one dreams to hide from an earthquake, interprets, as a symbol of the fact that you are trying to get rid of obsessive thought that things are in critical condition. If you managed to survive after a disaster - it is an omen that you will cope with existing problems and improve life. See how other people try to escape from an earthquake, then, in the wake of one of the relatives needs help.

The interpretation of dreams about an earthquake directly depends on the extent of destruction. If a crack appeared on the wall, then it's worth to be more careful with partners, as they can substitute. To see the ruined houses and cracks on the ground, then, soon expect unexpected news. Watch how the houses go underground, but yours is still intact - it is a symbol that the enemies can not hurt. Night vision, in which earthquakes destroy entire cities, is an omen of the onset of a new stage in life.

Serious damage from the earthquake, indicates that there is to be expected global changes that will largely affect life. If you are watching for the result of a natural phenomenon, means, in the future, a move to another country is expected. Night vision, where the city is destroyed during the earthquake, predicts the emergence of serious problems in the material sphere.

To dream of an earthquake from Monday to Tuesday, then you should expect trouble that will concern the work sphere. If such a dream you saw from Wednesday to Thursday is a warning that you should expect problems in family relationships . The night vision of such a disaster from Friday to Saturday is a warning that there may be trouble due to an act that was committed in the past. The problems will be global, which can negatively affect the work. To see an earthquake in a dream from Sunday to Monday means that a woman you have not seen for a long time will bring unpleasant news.