Marigolds - medicinal properties

The little-known name of the marigold belongs to the same blacksmiths. These flowers are unpretentious in care and pleasing the eye from early spring until late autumn. Growing on their site marigolds, many gardeners and do not know about their medicinal properties.

Therapeutic properties of marigold flowers in medicine

In the eastern countries, the marigolds, thanks to their medicinal properties, are actively used as seasoning for dishes for the normalization of digestion and pancreas work.

After carrying out the research, the scientists confirmed the therapeutic properties of the marigold. Found in their composition are many additional useful components:

Thanks to this, they contribute to a quick cure of:

Medicinal properties of marigolds in cosmetology

In cosmetic medicine the medicinal properties of the flowers of the marigolds have long been appreciated. Of the dried inflorescences, rejuvenating lotions and lotions are prepared:

  1. Take 4 teaspoons of dried flowers.
  2. Pour a glass of hot water.
  3. In a day, strain the infusion.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka.
  5. Keep the lotion in a cool place.
  6. Wipe skin three times a day.

The healing properties of marigolds will help to get rid of cracks on the lips. To do this, prepare a balm of 40 ml of cold pressed olive oil, 2 tablespoons of almond or apricot oil and 2 tablespoons of fresh marigold flowers. After two weeks, the product can be applied to the lips.

Healing properties of marigolds in folk recipes

Curative properties of marigolds are revealed in broths, infusions, teas, seasonings to food and in raw form. To get rid of the itch after the bite of insects, you need to put a few drops of fresh juice of flowers on the affected area of ​​the skin. If there was an attack of pancreatitis, then brewed one flower of a marigold in a glass of boiling water will help relieve the pain.

Calming properties of marigolds can save from prolonged depressions, bad mood, stress and headaches. In this case, a handful of flowers of marigolds should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of mint and calendula. The resulting mixture pour 200 ml of boiling water. Filtered infusion take daily before meals.

To increase immunity in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of decoction daily. Prepare this medicine will not be difficult:

  1. Two handfuls of marigolds pour a liter of water.
  2. Put on fire and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain and cool.

Regular use helps prevent colds.

Contraindications for the application of marigolds

In general, marigolds in their useful properties are safe to use and do not have large contraindications. The only thing they can cause is an individual intolerance. In this case, you just need to cancel their use to avoid allergic reactions. Essential oil of marigold should be used with caution in pregnancy and during lactation.

Despite all these minor contraindications, the marigolds with their curative and useful properties can help in solving many health problems.