Sign: cheeks burn

Somehow, signs have come down to our times as a kind of folk wisdom. Do not you think that if they did not act, the story would not have saved them? Of course, people invented signs in those times when science could not explain the nature of most of the phenomena surrounding modern man and his ancestors. But folk wisdom is not just a figment of imagination, but a result of observations of nature. Therefore, there is a certain sense to them sometimes to listen.

We will tell you about a common phenomenon and, accordingly, accept when the cheeks burn, as well as different interpretations of this belief.

By days of the week

Folk wisdom briefly and clearly responds to the sign, why and why the cheeks burn. People say "cheeks burn - people talk".

But the detailed treatment of this phenomenon by the day:

Cheeks individually

But these are not all possible outcomes of the people's omen, cheeks burn.

The fact that burning cheeks signal conversations about you - we have already found out. But after all, talking about you can be in good, and in a bad context, and with the latter one should be especially cautious.

If it is a question of a suit, the right cheek burns - good things are said about you, you are praised, or at least discussed in a neutral context. You do not have to worry about this, they do not bring such harm.

But the sign of the left cheek burns, as you already guessed, is a sign that someone will swear at your back. In that case, you should try to list potential offenders, and as soon as you pronounce the correct name, the burning of the cheek will stop, and the evil conversation will stop.


But folk wisdom is so rich that it contains signs about cheeks and burning ears.

Ears are also burning because they remember you. But if two or more people speak about you at the cheeks, then the ears mean that one person thinks about you. Good thinking or bad - you can determine by the same ears.

The right ear is thoughts about you in a good context, the left ear in a negative context. Coping with burning the ears can be the same as with burning cheeks, by listing the likely offenders.

And the burning left ear is usually accompanied by general discomfort, anxiety, because we intuitively feel that someone is sending us negative energy impulses.


And burning lips always foreshadow kisses, and, it is hot, passionate kisses. This feature was liked by young girls who dreamed of a prince on a white horse, and today we do not notice this pleasant forerunner of love comforts.

Limbs burn

Burn, as we have already made sure, everything can. Including, it concerns the feet and palms. If your palms are burning - beware of your wallet, avoid spending, especially, sudden impulses towards spending. At such times, do not buy things that were not previously thought out, otherwise, you can lose control and spend all that you have.

A burning foot speaks of the coming road. Moreover, the road can be fascinating, and maybe routine. If you with a burning foot met the unloved boss, get ready for an ambulance not the most pleasant business trip. But if the first you got a good friend - your waiting for a fun trip.

Before looking for signs ...

If you have cheeks, ears or limbs burning, first of all, you need to measure the temperature , because all this can be an elementary sign of the onset of the disease. In addition, the skin can burn in allergic people, hypertensive patients and when using an unusual cosmetic. Going into the abyss of folk wisdom, do not forget about the achievements of modern science.