How to understand that you like a married man?

Love is a rather unexpected feeling that covers us with a head. And what if feelings have arisen to the unfree man? Strangle them on the root or let them blossom fluffy? You decide. We want to give some advice on how to understand that you like a married man, if you are determined for yourself to act.

How do you know if you like a man married to another woman?

The surest way to find out if you like a man married to another woman is to come and ask directly, but not all women are so determined and ready in case of hearing a refusal. Therefore, watching the man of dreams will become a true helper in revealing sympathy for you. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the eyes: will he look away when talking with you, be embarrassed, or on the contrary look for your eyes in the crowd. If a man sees you off, then you can be sure, you are in his taste.

Continuing observation, it is worth paying attention to the body language of the desired man. Turning the head, and not panic - how to understand that he likes me, and pay attention to the following signs:

  1. A man who sympathizes, will always celebrate your hairstyle, a new successful outfit, and will certainly reward with a compliment.
  2. In a conversation with you will be a little nervous, joking out of place.
  3. Strong sex, showing sympathy, does not forget about caring: to give a coat, to give a lift after work, to invite to dinner - all these are signs of a man's interest.

If during the observation you noticed that the attention of the man of the dream goes beyond the bounds of the ordinary friendship, then one should prepare for the reciprocal step towards. About what signs are issued that a woman likes a man, you already know, so act! Light touches, requests for help, flirting - your main weapon in conquering this peak.

How do you know that you like a married man-family man?

If you managed to fall in love with a family man and a decent person, then relations on the side are unlikely to interest him. And how to know that you like this particular married man is not easy enough. Most likely, his signs of attention will be accompanied by embarrassment, downcast or even leave the room at the sight of you will become commonplace.

Whatever married man was not: a modest family man or an active womanizer , you always have the option to approach and ask in the fore about his sympathy directly. Just be brave, and maybe you'll get lucky.