Horseradish leaves

In cooking, horseradish leaves are used mainly for preservation and preparation of brines. But this product is very useful and as a remedy, especially for women. The leaves of the plant are rich in essential oils, sulfur, phytoncides, vitamin C and other essential substances.

Benefit and harm of horseradish leaves

It's amazing how diverse the chemical composition of the product in question is. In addition to the already mentioned ingredients, it contains:

Useful properties of horseradish leaves:

It is also worth noting that the treatment with horseradish leaves is performed externally. Freshly squeezed plant juice helps with rheumatic pains, joint mobility disorders, swelling of the knees and ankles.

But not everyone can use the described product. The irritating properties of the leaves, as well as their sharp, bitter taste, can lead to negative consequences if you suffer from stomach ulcers, erosions in the intestine, dyskinesia of the bile ducts in the hyperkinetic type. Gently apply the medicine if the acidity of the digestive juice is increased .

Horseradish sheet in folk medicine

Nontraditional methods of therapy are based on the internal intake of alcohol tincture of the examined plant and the simultaneous use of the drug externally. Prescription remedy with horseradish leaves:

  1. Grind washed green leaves, fill them (loose) with a 1-liter can.
  2. Pour the horseradish with a mixture of alcohol and water (proportions 1:10).
  3. Insist 2 weeks in the refrigerator under a tightly closed lid.
  4. Strain the medicine, take 1 tablespoon before eating, not more than 2 times a day.

Also, you should pay attention to what are useful horseradish leaves in the spring. In the absence of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, you can prepare a vitamin, immuno-fortifying broth:

  1. A teaspoon of sliced ​​horseradish leaves to pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Allow to stand for 5-7 minutes, dilute with 50 ml of cold boiled water.
  3. Drink 40 minutes before eating. Repeat the procedure throughout the day.