Temperature in a newborn baby

"Little children are small problems," our grandmothers say. But, when a babe appears in the house, any deviation from the norm can lead the young mother to panic. Often, it is the high temperature of the newborn's body that becomes one of the main reasons for concern.

What temperature is the norm for a newborn?

First, let's determine what temperature a newborn child can be considered normal. The temperature norm for newborns can fluctuate within 36.3-37.5 ° C, and directly depends on the time of day and place of measurement. The temperature can rise by a few tenths of a degree in the evening, and drop in the early morning. Also characteristic is that during sleep, the temperature can be slightly lower than when feeding and active wakefulness. Measure the temperature in a newborn baby in the rectum, in the armpit and in the mouth. The mean rectal (measured in the rectum) temperature can exceed by 1 ° C underarm temperature, and by 0.3-0.4 ° C the temperature in the oral cavity.

How correctly to measure a body temperature at the newborn?

For babies up to 5-6 months, the most optimal way to measure temperature is rectal. For this manipulation it is better to use not a mercury, but a special electronic thermometer, the tip of which must be lubricated with a baby cream. During the measurement of temperature, the child should not move, because this can lead to damage to the intestine.

There are several provisions in which it is convenient to carry out this procedure:

Causes of fever in a newborn

Body temperature is considered to be elevated if rectal exceeds 38 ° C, axillary - 37 ° C, and oral - 37.5 ° C. Signs of temperature in newborns are not only increased indicators of the thermometer, but also continuous crying, refusal to eat. Heat is not a disease, it is a symptom. Therefore, most often the temperature increase is a consequence of the defensive reaction of the body to a viral infection. Sometimes the temperature rises as a result of overheating, but this temperature quickly decreases if the child is undressed or undressed.

In a newborn, body temperature can also increase after vaccination. This is a normal reaction of the baby's immune system.

How to help a newborn when the temperature rises?

Important: The axillary temperature above 38 ° C is very dangerous for children under the age of 1 year, especially for infants up to 3 months. Excessive fever in a newborn can lead to convulsions, so in this case, you need to call a doctor immediately!

  1. The increase in temperature entails a loss of moisture in the body, so even a newborn baby should be doped with water.
  2. It is necessary to create a favorable temperature regime in a room of 18-20 ° C and ensure the flow of fresh air through ventilation.
  3. Prescribe a medicine for temperature for newborns should only be a doctor. It is the doctor who should advise how to bring down the temperature of the newborn. Typically, babies are prescribed syrups or suppositories with paracetamol. Candles are considered the optimal means for temperature for newborns, because the effect of candles is longer than on syrups or suspensions.
  4. Today, one of the most effective drugs suitable for lowering the temperature in infants, many pediatricians consider homeopathic viburcool suppositories. At this time, the drug has no contraindications and side effects.