Nemosol for children

Every summer, when a child spends a lot of time in the air and contacts animals, Mom worries not only about broken maples, but also the probability of catching parasites. Suspension nemozol for children is one of the most effective drugs to solve this problem.

Nemosol: indications for use

This remedy is especially effective against larval formations: cestodes and nematodes. These forms of parasites are considered the most common to date. Albendazole, which is part of the drug, has a devastating effect on helminths. The scheme of action is the following: when a substance enters the body, it begins to destroy the intestinal tract of helminths. It should be remembered that the time of absorption of the substance is about two hours after ingestion. Strengthen the process can be if you take with the preparation of fatty foods. Specialists prescribe nemozol for children in a number of cases:

Experts advise to take nemozol for prevention of children in the summer. In this case, it is better for adults to undergo a course of preventive treatment.

Treatment of Giardiasis in Children with Nemozolum

Quite a frequent phenomenon, when lamblias are found in invaded helminths. Today in the pharmacy you will find many preparations of different price level. But it is worthwhile to understand that some parasites gradually became more resistant to the action of many drugs during the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Treatment of giardiasis in children with nemozol showed excellent results. The composition of the drug includes inhibitors of the polymerization of beta-tubulin benzimidazole. This makes it possible to use nemozol for giardiasis in children.

If you apply the classical scheme of admission, which is 0.4 g per day for five days, the percentage of recovery varies within 90%. Nemosol for children is an excellent solution in cases where chronic eosinophilia for three months can not determine the type of parasite. The doctor prescribes empirical treatment with a wide range of drugs. Due to albendazole and its capabilities, the suspension of nemmozol is considered to be the ideal solution for children.

How to give suspension nemmozol child?

You can take a lot of children both before meals and after it after a period of time. Take an extra laxative is not necessary, this applies to the diet. The dosage of nemozole for children older than two years corresponds to the dosage for an adult and is completely dependent on the weight of the child. The doctor prescribes the amount of the drug for each patient individually.

There are certain features in taking medication by children under two years of age.

  1. If we are talking about cysticercosis of the brain, then 1 kg of the mass is 15 mg of the drug per day. The course of treatment is 8 days.
  2. With enterobiosis, ascariasis or ankylostomidosis, the dosage is 200 mg in one dose. The second course is recommended only after three weeks.
  3. In cestodosis, 200 mg of the drug is taken within three days. After two weeks, you can re-take.

Before giving nemozol to children, it is worth making sure of its safety for the child. Contraindications nemozola applies increased sensitivity to the composition of the drug. Disturbances from the digestive system are also possible. They are manifested in pain in the stomach, nausea, or vomiting. Headaches, dizziness or skin rash with itching may occur. In case of an overdose, immediately wash the stomach and give activated charcoal. If necessary, conduct symptomatic therapy.