Ingrown hair after hair removal - how to get rid?

Hair growth can occur almost after any kind of hair removal, including those performed in the salon. In this case, the hair remains under the skin and grows in the wrong direction, which is sometimes accompanied by an inflammatory process. Most often, this phenomenon occurs as a result of trauma to the hair follicle, or because of a dense epidermal layer through which a weakened hair is difficult to break out.

Look like ingrown hair, like a slight darkening or pinkish knob, protruding above the skin, i.e. not very aesthetically. In the area of ​​ingrown hair often itch, soreness. And, although this problem does not pose a particular danger to health, it is a cosmetic defect, which, of course, should be eliminated. How to properly get rid of ingrown hair after hair removal, having the appearance of cones and spots, we will consider further.

Methods of getting rid of ingrown hair after hair removal

First of all, those who are looking for ways to get rid of ingrown hairs on the legs, under the arms, in the bikini zone or any other area, should be warned against the wrong actions that some girls practice. As a result of such mistakes, one can not simply not achieve the effect, but also aggravate the situation, cause the development of complications that can not be avoided without the help of physicians. So, to get rid of ingrown hair is not recommended:

  1. Squeeze out the hair follicles.
  2. Try to scrape off the hair with a fingernail.
  3. Try to get rid of the hair by means of a needle and tweezers.

With a large amount of ingrown hair, the presence of pustules and strong redness, it is best to consult a specialist (dermatologist, cosmetologist) who can suggest using one of several methods:

How to get rid of ingrown hairs and traces after them at home?

If pustular formations are absent, the problem of ingrown hair can be solved independently at home by one of the following methods.

Exfoliating with scrub

This is not only a very effective method how to get rid of ingrown hairs after the epilator, but also a good preventive against hair ingrowth in the future. Scrubs can be used as a store, designed for the skin of the body, and cooked by hand. For example, home scrubs based on coffee grounds, sugar, salt, ground pomegranate seeds, crushed dried citrus peel, etc., are effective. Scrub should be used on problem areas once a day or every other day, after preliminary steaming, which will help remove dead cells, soften the epidermis and give the opportunity to "break through" the ingrown hair.

Use of chemical peeling

To soften the skin and promote the "release" of the hair, various peeling agents containing fruit acids, lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc. can also be used. Also for this purpose, you can use a banyak, mixed with hydrogen peroxide, or Aspirin tablets, diluted with water with the addition of glycerin. As well as scrub, the agent for peeling is better applied to the steamed skin.

Hot compresses

With deeply ingrowing hairs, the use of hot compresses is effective, as an ordinary terry towel, soaked in warm water and well wrung out. But it is better to make warm lotions on the basis of decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.), which will contribute not only to the release of the hair through the steamed skin, but also to the removal of inflammation.