World Information Day

Since the childhood of modern man literally floods a powerful stream of information. Newspapers, television, radio, the Internet, fill us with various news. Recently, to find out what is happening at the other end of the globe, any user can in a matter of minutes. Almost every person now has a personal computer, laptop or tablet . Mass media feel like real kings in the modern world. In some cases, they are even capable of overthrowing governments and directing masses of people in the right direction. It turns out that even there is an International Information Day. This problem is paid great attention at the highest level and therefore it is not surprising that we also touched upon this important issue for each user.

When do they celebrate the World Information Day?

November 26, 1992, the first International Forum of Informatization was opened. Two years later, the International Informatization Academy initiated the establishment of a special holiday dedicated to the enormous role of information in our world. Its date was decided to coincide with the anniversary of the opening of the forum. The initiative was supported by the World Informational Parliament and other public organizations. Since 1994, this event is officially celebrated annually throughout the civilized world. Everywhere there are various forums, symposiums and other events, where the importance of information in our society is discussed, the issues related to its processing, transmission, control.

What role does information play in your personal life?

Is it worth it to limit its flow, or should it be carried along with all along the swift current, surrendering to the will of the all-powerful mass media? What dangers are the information boom for us? Excessive consumption of information often leads to stress, mental disorders. How many people suffered from the fact that their personal data became public property? Large problems with an overabundance of information arise in adolescents suffering from computer addiction and having a still fragile psyche. Many can not find themselves in life, become prone to neuroses, unpredictable actions. All these issues should also be discussed at conferences that are massively held on November 26 on International Information Day.

It is believed that by 2018, the Internet will firmly take its place in the life of every modern family. Already, millions of people pay utility bills here, order purchases, find work and new acquaintances. Many people spend hours visiting social networks, spending most of their personal lives in the virtual world. We have already forgotten that initially the Internet was planned to be used only for working purposes. Going back late, people are used to the fact that with a single mouse click on the computer they instantly access any information. Global search engines instantly give answers to almost any question, discouraging people from wanting to visit libraries and read books.

It is necessary to teach people skillfully to use information, sort data, because now the Internet pours out a lot of debris and dirt. Those who know how to do this, become successful people, succeed in business. They agree to give important information to give big money. Holiday information day appeared twenty years ago. During this time, progress has managed to further change our lives, and the role of the media in the lives of ordinary people has only intensified. The problems associated with the information boom only added. On this day, journalists, scientists and politicians will have something to talk about on their forums. We also need to learn, not just absorb the information "porridge", but also be able to use for themselves the benefits of opportunities.