Basic human needs

The basic needs are for all living beings, but man still occupies a leading position. People daily satisfy their needs, starting from basic: eating, drinking, breathing, etc. There are also secondary needs, for example, self-realization, the desire to achieve respect , the desire for knowledge and many others.

Basic types of needs

There are many different classifications and theories that allow you to understand this topic. We will try to highlight the most significant of them.

10 basic human needs:

  1. Physiological. Satisfaction of these needs is necessary for survival. This group includes the desire to eat, drink, sleep, breathe, have sex , etc.
  2. The need for motor activity. When a person is inactive and does not move, it does not live, but simply exists.
  3. Need for a relationship. People need to communicate with others, from whom they receive warmth, love and other positive emotions.
  4. Need for respect. To realize this basic human need, many seek to achieve certain heights in life in order to receive approving comments from others.
  5. Emotional. It is impossible to imagine a person who does not feel emotion. It is worth highlighting the desire to hear praise, feel security, love, etc.
  6. Intellectual. Since childhood, people are trying to satisfy their curiosity, learn new information. For this they read, study and watch cognitive programs.
  7. Aesthetic. Many people have an instinctive need for beauty, so people try to look after themselves to look neat and tidy.
  8. Creative. Often a person searches for a sphere where he can express his nature. It can be poetry, music, dance and other directions.
  9. Need for growth. People do not want to put up with the situation, so they develop to reach a higher stage in life.
  10. The need to be a member of society. A person aspires to be a participant of different groups, for example, a family and a team at work.