World Civil Defense Day

In the very beginning of spring, namely - March 1 - World Civil Defense Day is celebrated. This holiday has a respectful mission of disseminating specific knowledge about civil defense and raising the authority of national emergency services.

Let's remember what is civil defense? This is a certain system of various measures to prepare for protection and directly by the very protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​from the dangers that arise in the conduct of hostilities, as well as in emergencies of anthropogenic and natural character.

Day of formation of civil defense in our country is considered to be October 4 , 1932. On this day, local air defense became an independent structure in the USSR. The first difficult test for her was the Great Patriotic War, when a large number of bombs were defused by the defense forces, serious fires were extinguished, and accidents of different nature were eliminated. Then, for the first time in our history, a system of protecting the population was created, which allowed to save the lives of thousands of civilians. Today, civil defense guarantees the most important thing for the state - security in the country. That is why the Day of Civil Defense in Russia is celebrated everywhere.

Origin of the holiday

In the distant 1931, General of Medical Services Georges Saint-Paul founded in Paris "Association of Geneva Zones" - the so-called security zones. This could be a separate city or territory where in civil times the civilian population (women, children, elderly people, children) could find a safe haven. The purpose of creating such zones was to create well-defined safe areas in different countries. In the future, namely in 1958, the above structure was reorganized into the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO), gaining a new status and with it the opportunity to take in its ranks government, society, organization, individuals. In 1972, ICDO became an intergovernmental organization, and in 1974 expanded its area of ​​activity from protecting the population in wartime, to solving the problems of natural and man-made disasters in a peaceful time.

Now there are 53 countries in ICDO, and 16 states have observer status. World Civil Defense Day, established in 1990, is celebrated in all countries that are members of ICDO. The date of the celebration was chosen not by chance - it was on March 1 that the ICDO Charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

How is this holiday celebrated?

International Civil Defense Day is usually celebrated in educational institutions and at facilities directly related to this topic. Students of schools are told about the rules of behavior in the event of various emergency situations, demonstrate the basic means of individual and collective protection of the population. On this day everyone is reminded of the whereabouts of the bomb shelters on the case of the need for shelter, arrange exhibitions of special measuring instruments and repeat knowledge of the primary means of extinguishing.

Every year, the International Civil Defense Day is held under different slogans that reflect important issues related to saving lives and protecting nature.

So, in 2013, the issues of the World Civil Protection Day were "Civil Protection and Society Preparation for Disaster Prevention".

And this year in 2014 this holiday is devoted to the topic "Civil defense and prevention culture for the development of a safe society."