Tatar holidays

Most modern Tatars profess Islam. Accordingly, in their annual cycle there are all the major Muslim holidays , which are determined according to the sliding lunar calendar. However, this people still have their own Tatar holidays, which usually signify a certain event in agricultural activities or a natural phenomenon. The dates for the celebration of such days are determined by the elderly aksakals.

The main holidays of the Tatar people

One of the main Tatar holidays and traditions is the celebration of Sabantuy . Sabantuy is a holiday dedicated to spring field work: plowing, planting plants. Initially, it was noted before the beginning of such works, that is, approximately in mid-April. However, over time, the tradition has changed a little, and now Sabantuy is usually celebrated in June after finishing all spring classes in the fields. On this day, there are extensive festivities, sports, numerous rituals, visits to guests, as well as a joint treat. Previously, all these actions had a very clear overtones: thus trying to appease the fertility spirits, so that they gave a rich harvest. Now Sabantuy has become just a merry public holiday, an opportunity to have fun and chat with friends and family, and for young people - to get acquainted. Sabantuy is celebrated by the majority of Tatars, regardless of whether they are currently involved in agricultural activities.

Another major Tatar national holiday - Nardugan - is celebrated after the Winter Solstice, on December 21 or 22. The tradition of this holiday is very ancient, it has pagan roots. It is believed that this day is dedicated to the "birth of the sun", and therefore falls on the December dates, which follow the shortest light day in the annual cycle. This holiday also hosts numerous festivities with rich food, and on this day it is customary to guess and arrange theatrical productions.

Like most Turkic peoples, the Tatars celebrate Nauryz or Novruz. This day marks the arrival of spring, as well as the beginning of a new annual cycle, which many people have traditionally associated with the order of agricultural work. Nauryz is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, that is, on March 21. Tatars believe that on this day evil spirits do not appear on Earth, but good, spring and happiness roam along it. Traditional for Nauryz is considered to be a rich meal. Each dish that falls on the festive table on this day is endowed with a symbolic meaning. Most often these are buns and flat cakes from different types of flour, as well as beans.

Other, smaller, but also important for the Tatar people holidays, are: Boz Karaou, Boz Bagu; Emel; Grazhyna porridge (starch porridge, pork porridge); Cym; Jyen; Salamat.

Tatar national holidays

In addition to traditional holidays, the Tatars also widely celebrate national holidays associated with certain historical events for the Tatar people. Most often these are significant dates from the history of the Republic of Tatarstan. Accordingly, the greatest attention and magnificent festivities are held in this area. So, as a big national holiday is celebrated the Day of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan (another name is Independence Day) - August 30. On August 9, the Tatars celebrate the World Day of Indigenous Peoples of the World , and on February 21 - World Motherland Day .