Catholic Easter

The holiday of Easter is celebrated among Christians of all directions. Its name is taken from the Jewish day of exodus from Egyptian slavery, and in Christianity it acquired a completely different meaning. Believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many rituals and traditions of celebration are taken from the more ancient religious cults and symbolize the dying and regenerating gods, as well as the spring awakening of nature.

Orthodox and Catholic Easter almost do not differ in the basic principles of celebration. True, they count Easter and celebrate them on different dates. Catholics usually meet the Bright Sunday a little earlier than the Orthodox. This is due to the different dates of Christmas and Lent, from which the date of Easter is counted. After all, Orthodox Christians live according to the Julian calendar, while the rest of the world and the Catholic Church adhere to the Gregorian calendar. But every three years these dates coincide. What date is the Catholic Easter, you can learn by the church calendar? In 2014, the Catholic celebration coincides with the Orthodox and is celebrated on April 20.

The basic customs of the celebration of Catholic Easter

  1. During the festive service in the church, the Easter fire is lit, which is carried from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It is carried to all churches, and priests give out fire to all comers. In Catholic churches from it a special candle is lit - Easter. It is believed that this fire is sacred, and people tend to keep it at home in the lamps until next year. This Holy Fire symbolizes the light of God.
  2. After the service all Catholics make a procession. With singing and praying, they go around the temples. The Easter service is very solemn, the priests remember the feat of Jesus Christ, praise him and sing hymns.
  3. In addition to burning a blessed fire, the tradition of Catholic Easter includes the dyeing of eggs. And, it can be not necessarily natural eggs. In recent years, more popular steel, plastic and wax. And children like chocolate the most, especially if they are with a surprise inside.
  4. The symbol of Catholic Easter in some Catholic countries is the Easter rabbit . For some reason it is believed that it is he who brings eggs to the holiday. A hen is considered unworthy to give people this symbol of life. Figures of the rabbit decorate houses and apartments, give each other postcards with his image and bake buns in this form. Often they bake an egg. Among the children are very popular chocolate rabbits. For example, on the Catholic Easter in Germany, hundreds of tons of such sweet figures are sold. On the morning of Easter, all the children are looking for painted eggs and small gifts supposedly hidden by the Easter bunny.
  5. Another tradition of Catholic Easter is a festive family dinner. It is accepted to cover a rich table with delicious dishes. They are different depending on the customs of the people, but baking, eggs and baked meat dishes are mandatory. Everyone congratulates each other, plays different games, dances and makes merry.

Despite the apparent similarity, there are some differences in the celebration of Orthodox and Catholic Easter:

And the rest of the customs in all Christian concessions are the same. This is a festive divine service, the Easter gospel, the Holy Fire, painted eggs, cakes and funny games. A bright Sunday of Christ is celebrated by all believers, celebrating the rebirth of their God - Jesus Christ from the dead.