World Sea Day

For sure, in the world there is no such person who would not admire the beauty and perfection of the sea element. Sunny beach, sandy beach, thousands of holidaymakers, fishing, excursions and an incredible sunset - not all the delights of a holiday in the seaside resort. However, despite all this, there is another side to the coin. Due to the negative impact of human activities on nature, Earth resources have the property of changing their composition and quantity. The same problem is observed in relation to sea water.

In order to draw the attention of the population to the problems associated with the violation of the "life activity" of the seas, in most countries of the world they celebrate a special holiday - World Sea Day. To date, this date is considered one of the most important, among all the existing international holidays. After all, water is life, therefore, the main task of the World Sea Day is directly - the resurgence of resources, the prevention of further water pollution and the destruction of animal and plant life. In this article we will talk in more detail about the reasons for the origin of this holiday.

What is the date of the World Sea Day?

Humanity has been dealing with environmental problems for many years. In particular, since 1978 - the question concerning the state of the seas has risen quite sharply. It was from this period that the history of World Sea Day began. In the same year, the UN convened the 10th session of the Assembly of the organization for the management of marine resources, and recognized the date - March 17, World Sea Day. For two years the holiday was celebrated as the UN adopted. However, since early 1980, the date has changed. Therefore, today in different countries it is celebrated on one of the days of the last full week of the first autumn month. Specifically, what day to celebrate World Sea Day, the state government itself decides. In some countries, there are separate holidays dedicated to the preservation of water bodies. For example, in Russia there is the Day of the Black Sea and the Day of the Baltic Sea , Day of Baikal.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasons for establishing such memorable dates, and all of them are not at all comforting. As is known from UN statistics, the last century has become extremely difficult for marine inhabitants. Rare species of fish were under the sights of poachers and violators, established by law, catch rates. Thanks to them almost 90% of the total quantity of tuna, marlin, cod, etc. were illegally caught from the seas. Unfavorable for the development of the underwater environment is affected by global warming. Today in water bodies there is a significant addition of water, (by 15-25 cm along the coastline).

The current theme of the World Sea Day is the transportation of oil through the sea channels. After all, about 21,000,000 barrels of petroleum products pour into the world's water bodies every year, and this is a direct way to disaster. We should not forget about the millions of factories and factories that throw synthetic waste from their own production into the sea, thereby killing thousands of species of seabirds.

Agree, all these factors require the intervention not only of the authorities, but also of the public.

After all, we - the inhabitants of the planet, should understand how important it is to preserve the "house" in which we live and appreciate everything that surrounds us, especially the water world. That is why, the main goal of World Sea Day is the call of all countries to solve the above problems, and minimize the damage from negative interference to the water environment.

Traditionally, in honor of World Sea Day, events are held, in the form of processions, rallies, calling people to clean the beaches, protect and preserve the seas. In schools, kindergartens, libraries on this day, festivals like "Neptune Day" and contests in which children are told about the benefits, wealth, diversity of the underwater world, and how all this can be saved are arranged.