New Year decor by own hands

In the New Year I always want something new, fresh, fresh. I would like a new snow, which, covering the familiar to the rezi in the eyes of the street, refresh them, somehow cleanse, dress up and bewitch the kindly old old New Year spell.

That's why before the Christmas holidays we are so aggressively looking for fresh ideas of the New Year's decor. Last year seems to us some kind of dusty and boring, like last year's snow. Though still day, an hour ago the snow was quite modern and crystal clear.

Decor of the New Year's table

In our hospitable Slavic tradition, we pay special attention to the decor of the New Year's table.

You can form a salad "Olivier" in small pellets, finish them with beards, attach caps from cooked carrots, etc. Just do not dare drive out Olivier from your table or replace it with another new-fangled salad! Otherwise, the New Year will never come! Do not want the dwarf pellets, put it in lacy salad bowls of cheese. They resemble underwater corals or frosty patterns on the window.

The recipe for a lace tartlet

Such a piece of jewelry from the New Year's culinary art will require us to have only two ingredients. It's cheese and starch. One of them needs 200 grams, and the other one 1 tablespoon. What kind of product is how much - decide for yourself - let it be your one-question New Year's quiz.

Three cheese on a small grater, mix with starch and put on a dry hot frying pan with miniature piles, brown on one side, transfer the spatula to the upside-down glass and press it with your hand. It will cool down - and your frosty tartlet is ready.

You can plant salads with dill spruce, lay a salad with crab sticks in the form of scarlet gloves with a fringe of grated cheese, horseradish or egg whites.

A good idea is to make a herringbone from a custard batter. To do this, you need to draw a syringe with a brew test of several diminishing semblance of snowflakes. When baking, they will increase in volume. This will be the tiers of the future tree. Put them on a wooden skewer and decorate as desired. This dough allows for any toppings and sauces.

Ice and fire

As they say, not bread alone, so you should take care of inedible decor ideas for the New Year's table. For example, candles. What is the New Year without them? Of course, the candlestick must also be New Year's. His decor, made with his own hands, combined with the rest of the furniture of the house, will melt the most finicky heart. And we will do it ... from the ice.

New Year's decor of the candlestick, master class

For the house, this New Year's decor is interesting, original, low-cost and fire-safe. Any holder of any capacity, a high candle with a diameter of about 6 cm, a tray and a stock of small flowers, berries, twigs of juniper and other flora, will be able to create in such a short time an indisputable masterpiece of New Year decor with his hands in his freezer.

  1. Place a candle in the center of the container so that it protrudes above the edge.
  2. Lay around it the available twigs, beads and other beauty, so that part of the branches rises above the surface.
  3. Fill the container with water and put in the freezer.
  4. When the water turns into strong ice, you need to get the composition, dip it into hot water and place the composition already without a bag in the freezer until you feed it to the table.

On the table, we place the treasure of the New Year's decor of the house in a white or transparent tray so that it can not wet the table and the reputation of the owners, and scroll through the possible modest but decent answers to the enthusiastic guests for their imminent compliments. And yet the main decoration of the New Year's table is not a candlestick.

New Year's decor of a bottle with own hands

New Year's table without a bottle of champagne is like a New Year without a Christmas tree. Even those who keep the Christmas fast, for which the New Year is celebrating, the church blesses the use of this noble drink. The kind of a bottle of champagne itself has to the holiday, and already pasted with tinsel and other excesses and even more so.

There are a lot of ideas for the New Year champagne decor, one of them will surely suit you. The main thing to soak a good label and a bottle sticker.

  1. We protect the upper label with paint tape. Cover the bottle with white acrylic in two layers with intermediate drying.
  2. Separate the upper thin layer of napkin and gently tear off the part of the image we need. (If you cut with scissors - the transition between the picture and the background will be more difficult to hide).
  3. Carefully place on the painted and smeared PVA or varnish bottle side and smooth with a brush. We paint.
  4. The top part of the bottle is toned with paint, going to the surface of the napkin. The intensity of the color is regulated by the force of pressing the sponge. In this case, the background is gray, and above - a little blue haze.
  5. We cover with several layers of varnish. We make greeting inscriptions and arbitrary patterns with the help of a contour. We fix with one more layer of varnish. We tie a bow.