Olive oil is good and bad

Summer is in full swing. The time of holidays, so most of them went to various resorts to enjoy the rest in full. Few people on their return do not bring with them national gifts from the country in which they were fortunate enough to visit. One of the most popular souvenirs of Greece is olive oil. Today we will talk about it.

Despite the fact that Greece is famous for the production of olive oil, the homeland, according to legend, it is not. As for the origin of the famous olive tree, disputes are still being conducted. It is precisely known that the plant is very ancient, and the first mention of it is found even a few millennia BC.

Olive oil has been valued since ancient times, and to this day. The useful properties of "liquid gold", as it is called in the people, is known to many. And if someone has not heard about the qualities of the above product, then we will tell you about them.

Useful properties and contraindications

The composition of olive oil is a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. The main part of it consists of fats and fatty acids, which are so necessary for our body. This includes oleic acid, or Omega 9, linoleic, palmitic, stearic acid. Olive oil is a rich source of vitamins A , D, E, K, it also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.

The use of olive oil for the body is undeniable. It is considered one of the best fighters with cancer, in addition, contributes to their prevention. Helps with heart and vascular disease. Regular use of oil in food makes the vessels more elastic. Prevention of the appearance of ulcers and gastritis, restoration of the digestive tract. Linoleic acid, which is part of it, helps to quickly heal all kinds of wounds and burns. In addition, the product brings undeniable benefits to the child's body, preventing the loss of calcium. The usefulness of olive oil is proved not only by doctors, but also by psychologists. Several hundred years ago it was discovered that the product helps in the treatment of psychological disorders.

Do not forget that "excessive use of something is harmful to our health." As they say "a lot of good, too bad." And, like any other product, olive oil can harm our body.

Olive oil has the strongest cholagogue effect, so people with cholecystitis should eat this product very carefully. Fans of various diets are advised not to abuse olive oil. Despite the fact that practically in any menu of dietary nutrition you need to change sunflower and butter to olive oil, do not forget that it is quite caloric. If you follow a diet, use olive oil should not exceed 2 tablespoons. Fans of fried foods will have to grieve a bit - using olive oil while frying does not make food less caloric and does not increase their useful properties, but loses its own.

Contraindications to the use of olive oil include individual intolerance, the presence of stones in the liver and cholecystitis (or in this case in very small amounts).

Olive oil from ancient times to our days is used in cosmetology and dietology. On its basis cosmetics for a long time already are made, in fact it possesses rejuvenating and humidifying properties. And many nutritionists talk about the benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach, claiming that it not only helps to get rid of harmful slag, but also with excess kilograms, but also on the whole heals the body.