Cottage cheese casserole in a multivariate - recipe

Cottage cheese casserole could never be called difficult to prepare a dish, but with the advent of multivarieties, the cooking process was simplified to the impossible: you only need to mix all the ingredients together, put it in the bowl of the device and give modern kitchen technology a chance to show itself in all its glory. Well, let us proceed.

Delicious curd casserole in a multivariate - recipe

If you want to cook a diet cottage cheese casserole in a multivariate, then this recipe is not for you, better go to the next. All the rest, we recommend not to deny yourself the pleasure and try to cook this delicacy right now.



We will well spread the bowl of the multivark with sunflower or butter, a similar procedure will facilitate the process of extracting the prepared dish from the device.

With a blender, whisk cottage cheese with honey, cinnamon and vanilla. When the mixture becomes smooth and creamy, pour in 60 ml of milk, beat again and take half a cup of the resulting mixture, and beat the remaining curd in the blender with the rest of the milk and eggs.

In a bowl multivarki a dense layer we put pieces of a baguette and promazyvajem their preliminary selected curd cream. Top bananas, distribute the remaining bread and pour the casserole with a liquid curd-egg mixture.

Razirayem flour with soft butter and sugar and sprinkle the casserole on top of the received crumbs. To further prepare the curd casserole in the multivark you will only need to set the "Baking" mode and the time - 45 minutes. Ready-made delicacy can also be drizzled with honey, sprinkled with nuts and bananas.

Delicate curd casserole in a multivariate



While the oiled multivarker set for the "Baking" mode is warming up, we have time for you to cook a stunningly tasty mixture for a savory curd casserole that can complement any of your meals.

We beat eggs with cubes of ham, cottage cheese and grated cheese, add the defrosted spinach, chopped onions and do not forget about spices. We pour the basis for our casserole into the bowl of the device, we put 40 minutes on the timer and go to rest. During this time, our air curd casserole in the multivark will rise and brown, it will only be cut into pieces and more likely to try.

Cottage cheese-carrot casserole in a multivariate



Fill the manga with water and leave to swell for half an hour.

Peeled carrots finely rubbed and otzhivayut part of the released juice. Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt into the foam separately from the yolks, in the remaining yolks we rub with honey and cottage cheese. If you get a grainy cottage cheese, then pre-wipe it through a sieve to get a smooth texture casserole in the manner of mousse. Add the semolina to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Add the carrots to the curd mass, then carefully mix the whipped egg whites, pour the mass into the prepared bowl of the multivarquet and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Cottage cheese and semolina casserole is prepared using the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes.