Yagdterrier - breed characteristics

Yagdterrier has an amazing characterization of the breed. This is a hunting dog, which is a very devoted pet. It will become an integral part of your family's life. These animals are excellent hunters. They are very vicious to their prey. If you live in a rural area, then take care of chickens and geese from the mouth of your yagdter. He is just like the husky who loves an active lifestyle. So if you love to travel or play sports, then this dog is for you.

Yagdterrier - the character of a dog

These pets are fearless and resolute, sometimes they are able to show their aggression towards animals, they are rather wary of people. It is a strong, hardy dog ​​that is immune to diseases. It is difficult to frighten her.

If the animal is badly brought up, it is quite possible that it will not yield to your control. So when the pet is still small, try to make contact with the dog. Yagdterrier should understand that the leader is you. Otherwise it will be very difficult for you to control your animal. Train him with firmness and perseverance in character. But in any case do not show cruelty to the pet.

Yagdterrier - breed standard

The musculature of this dog is very well developed, and the backbone is strong enough. The animal is dark brown, black, and also grayish-black with tan marks. Animals have a dense undercoat, and their wool is rather dense, rough and straight. Jagter terriers have a long head, a strong jaw with strong teeth, dark eyes, strong back, strong neck. Pet also differs widely spaced hind legs.

How to care for a yagter terrier?

The dog breed does not require special care for the breed. Once a week, brush your pet hair . Bathe the animal when necessary, do not forget about cleaning the ears and teeth . If the claws of the pet do not grind off, cut them off.

Hunting dogs of breed yagdterrier need daily physical exertion, because their nature requires it. Do not deprive the animal of the opportunity to run in the fresh air, because otherwise the furniture in the apartment may suffer. If you have a private house and a large courtyard, the dog will be happy to run and play there.

The most important place in the life of all pets is the love of their owners. Therefore, do not deprive the yogaterrier of caress, care and attention, but at the same time keep to the dominant positions, and the dog will become for you an indispensable friend.