Vaccine against cervical cancer

Every day, a large number of women die of uterine cervical cancer die in the world. This really frightening situation is connected, first of all, with the fact that the beautiful part of humanity does not pay enough attention to one's health. After all, if you visit a gynecologist at least once a year, then it is simply impossible not to notice the prerequisites for this deadly disease. Not to mention the existence of a special vaccine against cervical cancer. The second problem, which does not allow the disease to disappear, is the constant spread and increase of the "assortment" of sexually transmitted diseases, which accelerate the process of normal dysplasia of the uterine neck into cancer.

To date, ongoing research has proven that the most important cause of cancer of the uterus and its cervix is ​​the papillomavirus, which does not respond to any known hitherto method of treatment or drug. And only a vaccine against cervical cancer can prevent this infection. It is interesting that public opinion concerning the fact that this virus is transmitted by sexual intercourse alone is fundamentally not true. Among the 100 varieties of the carrier of the disease, there are those strains that are transmitted by the household way.

What is a vaccination against cervical cancer?

This substance does not have particles of live virus in its composition, as is customary in conventional vaccines. Such an injection carries within it parts of its shell, which means that it is simply impossible to get sick from just one injection. After the anticancer vaccination of the cervix was performed, the body begins to produce antibodies by itself, which will protect the woman from papillomavirus throughout her life. It is necessary to make three injections of the vaccine, between which a clear interval is established. But this does not mean that vaccination against cervical cancer allows you to completely forget about the existence of a gynecologist. It belongs to the category of primary preventive measures that can not protect a person from modified strains of papillomavirus.

What increases the risk of cancer of the uterine neck?

To date, there are several main reasons for the increase in the number of cases of such a disease. They are related to the following factors:

The main goal of the vaccine against cervical cancer

Do not think that the vaccine completely prevents the possibility of catching papillomavirus infection . Its main task is to protect the female body from the unwanted influence of the virus. Vaccination is carried out for the following categories:

No one disputes the fact that an anticancer vaccine of the cervix has its contraindications, but their list is extremely small. However, this does not relieve a woman from the need to receive a doctor's advice before making an injection. Also it is worth remembering that the vaccine will protect you exclusively from papillomavirus, whereas before other causes of uterine cervical cancer it is powerless.