Changing teeth in puppies

If a puppy grows up at home, at some point we begin to observe how his mood begins to change for no apparent reason. Sadness, fatigue, refusal of food and favorite games - these symptoms are characteristic for the period of the change of milk teeth in puppies.

How to help the puppy with a change of teeth?

Poor health is due to the fact that the baby's teeth have not yet fallen out, and the permanent teeth have not yet grown. In connection with the inflammatory process in the gum area, the puppy is difficult to eat. We are required to help the child survive this period, creating for him a maximum of comfort. Many beginning dog breeders are interested in what can be given to a puppy when changing teeth to ease his suffering. Because teeth fall out with difficulty, the pet needs to strain the jaws to get rid of them. The actual addition of such delicacies as beef ossicles and sinewy meat will be actual. If we leave the puppy alone with his problem, he may have two rows of teeth, which will further aggravate the situation. Sometimes a dog can only be helped by a doctor.

The order of teeth replacement in puppies

There is a certain schedule, according to which the puppy has some teeth. The appearance of milk teeth is characteristic for the month of the baby's age or when he was just 20 days old. The exception is the Yorkshire Terrier , whose milk teeth are cut in 45 days.

Nature created the puppy in such a way that he had 14 milk teeth on each jaw, and he could use his fangs, incisors and molars. Fangs appear first, followed by incisors incised and then molars. If the chart is broken or you have to observe an incorrect bite, the puppy should be shown to the veterinarian.

The change of milk teeth to permanent teeth is typical for the four-month age of dogs, except for small breeds, in which this period falls to a six-month age. The whole process takes about two months and as a result grows 42 new teeth, more of which is on the lower jaw (22 teeth). The process of replacement of teeth begins with the appearance of incisors, then molars and premolars erupt. Fangs complete this difficult period of the puppy's life. When we observe the presence on the jaws of a puppy of all permanent teeth, dairy, as a rule, no longer exists. But this happens only in the absence of pathology, the reasons for which are huge. The health of a pet's teeth depends not only on the inheritance, but also on our attention. Periodic examination of the puppy by a doctor is for him a good prevention of illness in adulthood.