10 types of friends with whom you can safely say goodbye

You, of course, do not have to. But if the situation has become unbearable, then perhaps it is time to do it.

1. People who do not remember when you have a birthday.

If someone with whom you regularly spend time can not even remember the date of your birth, the name of your favorite store, what you do at work, or how much money it owes you, think about it. Maybe he is not a friend at all, but just a person who from time to time is nearby. Friends (at least occasionally) help you and do not seek for themselves benefits. Friends play an important role in your life. Of course, there are different degrees of friendship, and you should not expect this from former classmates, whom you see twice a year. But if you communicate with someone constantly, and they do not really know what's going on in your life, the question arises: why do you need this?

2. People who constantly make comments to you.

For example, someone corrects you: "It's right not to say" on the bumps ", but" on demons "!" First, very few people now say so, so they would be silent better. Secondly, friendship with people next to whom you feel stupid, depresses and exhausts. These are the so-called "know-it-alls" and those who try to shame you for some unread book or an unreviewed film. These people refuse to acknowledge the fact that you yourself are able to understand everything that they are trying to convey to you. To interrupt a conversation with such a person is incredibly difficult - it is almost impossible to insert a word or change the subject of conversation into something more pleasant.

Excuse me!

3. People who are waiting for an invitation from you, and then ask to postpone the meeting.

Look at the history of your correspondence. Do not you think it is one-sided? Are there any repetitive reports, for example: "Forgive me, I know that I am a terrible person, but urgent matters have arisen"? The fact is that there is nothing worse than such systematic excuses, and confessions of guilt are not enough to correct the current situation. All of us are busy and therefore we specially make time for those whom we love. It is important and necessary - to pay special attention to those who pay attention to us!

4. People who do not want to do what you want to do.

There is no bad occupation (unless, of course, this is violence or murder). But there are situations when your friend wants to dance until 3 o'clock in the morning, and you would be happy to play cards. Or came Friday, and a friend asks to go with him to a noisy bar with strong drinks, and you would prefer to stay at home with your new laptop and your favorite movies. This is a serious problem! Time is limited, and it needs to be valued, and if you decide to spend it with a friend in different ways, this may mean that you do not fit together. People change, just like their habits, and if none of you compromises, it's time to move on!

5. People who never say what they are offended.

How do you like this conversation? Do you want it to repeat more than 2000 times in a few years?

You: "What happened?"

Friend: "Nothing."

You: "Are you offended at me?"

Friend: "No".

It is not easy to settle conflicts, but it is very important for close people to learn how to solve such problems. It is much better to find out the relationship (and communicate with people who are able to do it) than silently boil with anger until all the hair falls out, and until we completely wither and die.

6. Girlfriends who communicate with you only when their guys are away.

When your girlfriend has a young man, you begin to communicate less often. Perhaps this is stupid, but it is understandable. And, nevertheless, it's very stupid. If you see her too seldom, and she cancels the meetings, as in the case of Carrie, who canceled dinner with Miranda for Mr. Big's sake (although thanks to this Miranda met Steve, but that's another story), it's disgusting! To maintain strong friendship during a relationship is not an easy task. And it's so great to find a person who will work on this, and not find time for you only when there is absolutely no opportunity for a guy to meet.

7. People who are not able to rejoice for you.

Now there are many different points of view on everything (thanks to the Internet), but close people should support you in any case. Friends should be your sincere and reliable protectors. Therefore, if some discontent is in the greeting ("You are fortunate that people are promoted so quickly in this area!") Or an attempt to offend you ("Is this due to education?"), It's time to think about how much this person is interested in your happiness. And should be quite strongly interested! In friends it's great that their happiness is your happiness, too, and vice versa.

8. People who are never interested in your business.

Most of us talk too much about ourselves. As a rule, at the end of our detailed story about a wonderful dream or something else, we ask friends how they are doing, that they have a new and carefully listen to the answer. Some people forget (or pretend to forget) about this part of the conversation and just keep talking about themselves while they see your face before them. Sometimes it takes time to notice all this, because such people will do everything to make you feel that you are not talking about them, but about something else. This is an important and rather cruel skill!

9. People who convince you that everything is worse.

There is nothing wrong with a healthy share of skepticism, and, of course, we do not suggest that you completely and completely surround yourself with cheerful optimists. One optimism will get bored very quickly. But you know what bothers you even more? The habit of seeing bad things in people and circumstances. Therefore, if your friend has such a flaw as excessive pessimism, you will have to choose - either to join him or be above it. However, both are quite tiring.

10. People you do not trust in a penny.

Sometimes you get acquainted with a person and, like, become friends, and, like, he treats you well, but constantly talks about all the nastiness and in general comes low enough. And now you can see how he talks sweetly with those of whom he used to talk nastiness. And then you realize that this person is probably also muddying you. For eyes. But a real friend says all bad things in person!