How to grow root celery from seeds?

Learn how to grow root celery in the country, by virtue of every beginner trucker. To do this, you need to know and follow the rules of its cultivation.

How to grow root celery from seeds?

Cultivation from the seeds of root celery consists of several stages:

  1. Selection of seeds of root celery. Given that celery has a long ripening period, it is best to pick up early varieties that ripen within 120-150 days. It is also preferable that the varieties are with large roots.
  2. Preparation of celery root seeds for sowing. Preparation for seeding on seedlings is to germinate the seeds of root celery. The optimal time for sowing seeds for seedlings is the last decade of February. They are soaked for 2 days in water at room temperature, then lightly dried. This procedure promotes more rapid germination of seeds. After that they are ready for sowing.
  3. Planting seeds on seedlings. For those who first grow this plant, you can recommend the following way how to grow seedlings of root celery. Prepare a container with a soil mixture in which the grooves are made at a distance of 3 cm. In the grooves lay out the snow, and on top of it seeds are sown. Snow melting will tighten them to the required depth. On top of the seeds are not sprinkled with earth. The container is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm place with a temperature of + 25 ° C.
  4. Care of seedlings. When the first shoots appear, the temperature is lowered to + 16 ° C. It will be necessary to provide additional illumination with phytolamps. Seedlings are every day aired, for which they raise the film or glass. The soil is moistened by spraying from a spray gun. If the crops grow too thick, they are thinned out. After the appearance of the first real leaves, a sprouting of seedlings is carried out in large-sized containers. In this case, the seedlings are deepened to the base of the leaves, leaving a central kidney above the ground.

Growing of root celery in the open ground

In mid-May, the seedlings are planted in open ground. The sprouts are planted so that the growth point remains at the soil level. The distance between the rows should be about 30 cm.

When growing celery, follow these rules:

Adhering to the basic rules, you can grow root celery on your site.