Parquet from larch

Traditional high-quality wood grades are constantly becoming more expensive, so the market is often filled with building materials of exotic and earlier less common breeds. Advertising brochures, of course, praise such products, extolling their highest quality. But experienced owners are cautious about this product, trying to first find out its hidden shortcomings. Is it possible to buy ordinary and garden parquet, as well as other kinds of sawn timber from larch? How strong and durable is the product from this tree?

Advantages and disadvantages of billets from larch

This coniferous light-loving breed of trees, which for the winter discards soft needles. It occupies huge spaces on the planet, forming in places real forests. It is believed that this plant occupies a special intermediate position between ordinary deciduous and coniferous plants. If you take strict European standards, then it can be attributed to all breeds in all characteristics. The bitches on the larch are few, barely visible on the year-old growths. This tree is not afraid of putrefactive processes, even at high humidity, so the billets need not be treated with special protective compounds. The best quality is the sound part of the barrel, it carries well, as a small bend, and work on compression.

A disadvantage of larch is the frequent cracking of the material when trying to hammer a nail into the board or tighten the screws. In addition, many varieties of this wood are poorly colored and sawed because of the large percentage of resin in the lumber. When stored, larch is very often jarred and covered with cracks. In the US and Canada, it is not considered a valuable tree and is used more as an intermediate material for the production of barrels, sheet plywood, poles, pillars.

Is it possible to purchase parquet from a larch array?

Parquet from this tree looks good, it usually tries to cover it in a way that preserves the natural structure. There are 12 color shades for this building material, which allows you to create a fairly good selection of colors on the market. It has already been mentioned that larch is well tolerated by a moist environment, so the board from it is used even in bathhouses. But all the same it should be taken into account that this breed is quite capricious, and sometimes causes problems. You need to buy only quality material that has passed a good drying. In expensive interiors, experienced masters do not advise using larch parquet for the main drawing. It is better to use larch boards to create individual elements of the ornament or lay out the frieze.