How to wash wool - simple rules for effective and safe washing

In time, having understood the solution of the problem, how to wipe the wool, you will learn how to quickly bring dirty things into order and will be able to significantly extend your clothes life. This is a whimsical fabric, with an incorrect choice of temperature and detergent, it is able to change the structure, stretch, becoming a kind of formless bag.

How to wash clothes out of wool?

Clothing made of wool is practical, beautiful, warm and does not lose its popularity. In any wardrobe there is an item from cashmere, mohair, drape, felt or velor. When buying elegant things, always study the inscriptions on the labels, synthetics and natural cloth requires a different approach to care. Turning to the study of rules and tips on how to wash a woolen dress, you should first remember the forbidden methods of processing this material.

What is afraid of natural wool:

  1. Alkaline environment harms clothing from wool, making the pile brittle.
  2. Try as less as possible to expose your woolen clothes to washing, using for cleaning airing and alternative dry methods. Frequent wet processing results in stalling of the material, loss of softness, stretching of the fibers.
  3. In the question of how to correctly wool, an important role is played by soaking time. Leaving sweaters, hats, socks, scarves or other things for a long time is harmful.
  4. Sharp changes in temperature during the soaking and washing cause deformation of the fibers.

How to wash hair in a typewriter?

The question is whether it is possible to wash the hair in a typewriter, conceals a lot of nuances in itself. If the prohibitory badge is not on the tag, then you can try to apply for clothing processing. A prerequisite is to set the switch to the "wool wash" mode to decrease the drum speed. Alternative option - "delicate mode" for items made of flax and silk fabric. The next important rule is to turn off the spinning! After completing the listed items, load your clothes into the car and fall asleep detergent.

How to wash the wool by hand?

With minor soiling, delicate hand wash for wool fabrics is an ideal option. It is better not to use perfumes, conditioners and bleaches in the work. In business, how to wash sheep's wool, an important role is played by the observance at all stages of a constant temperature regime. Experienced housewives recommend turning the blouses and other objects inside out before dipping into a soapy liquid.

The responsible stage of the process, how to wipe homemade wool - is the proper drying. At the end we let the water drain from the surface of the fabric arbitrarily, it is forbidden to wring the matter out with effort and twisting. It is desirable to dry on a flat stand in a ventilated room or under a canopy, protecting the wet clothing from the direct rays of the scorching sun. You can put clean towels from the bottom, this method helps to remove moisture from the delicate wool quickly.

In what water to wash woolen things?

To solve the problem, how to wipe merino wool, it is ideal to use rain or snow water. In urban conditions, it is often necessary to type a hard liquid from the tap, softening is done with the help of preparations such as Calgon, filter or vinegar. Choosing the best way how to wash hair, try to use special preparations at home without chlorine. PerwolI Delicate Balsam, Frosch gel-balm, Royal Powder Delicate, Royal Powder Delicate and other delicate products are suitable.

At what temperature does the wool wash?

Many inexperienced housewives are wondering at how many degrees to wipe woolen things. Optimal temperature conditions for fabrics of any kind are the responsible manufacturers of clothing necessarily indicate on the labels. If the tag is torn off or symbols with drawings can not be disassembled, beware of using hot water. A safe temperature for washing woolen clothes is considered to be around 30 ° C.

Often blouses or other things made of wool are stretched, and people intentionally want to squeeze them into a couple of sizes. The desired effect can be caused by using alternately hot and cold water at different stages. If you are interested in the contrast method, how to wash the wool, then you need to remember that there is a considerable risk of spoiling expensive clothes. Precisely predict how the fiber behaves under temperature processing is extremely difficult.

Contrast wash hair:

  1. In order for the woolen clothes to sit 1-2 sizes, you need to take water for washing about 20 ° C higher than indicated on the label.
  2. Rinse, on the contrary, is done in a cold liquid, which can be prepared with ice cubes.
  3. Contrast rinsing leads to the squeezing of the fibers.
  4. We remove the wool from the water and dry without pressing it on the horizontal plane, preliminarily placing a cloth on the bottom.

How to wash woolen things so that they do not sit down?

Critical shrinkage of the material causes wet treatment in water at a temperature above 40 ° C and drying on a hot surface. Often an unpleasant process occurs in the winter, when the mistresses, by carelessness, lay out their wet sweaters and other knitted things on batteries. In the question of how to wash the wool so that it does not sit down, use the obligatory rule not to hang wet ware on the string under the scorching sun.

Ways to fix a wool thing after a small shrinkage:

  1. We turn the fabric inside out and sprinkle it with water. Further slightly we try to stretch out our hands and lay them horizontally for the time of drying.
  2. Soak the product 10-12 minutes in water with a temperature of 30 ° C, then remove the moisture with a towel. We put things horizontally, straighten them. During drying, every 20 minutes, carefully try to stretch the fabric, applying the same force to each side of the web.
  3. It is possible, after washing in warm water, to put the product on itself and wear, after waiting for the complete drying of the fibers. This way, how to wash the wool, can not be called pleasant. It is suitable in critical cases in the warm summer period.

Than to wash a wool that was not pricked?

Unpleasant tingling is observed often in people when wearing a product made of sheep's wool. The natural thread dissolves over time on the edge and can "bite". It is caused by the fact that tiny flakes on the nap do not fit and irritate the human skin. Help to get rid of discomfort simple, affordable and simple ways how to wash things out of wool at home:

  1. Use with a softening effect, such as "Weasel" or Lenor.
  2. Helps to eliminate tingling balm-hair conditioner or shampoo for animals with long hair. It is necessary during washing to apply balm on the front and back of clothing, wait 5 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Steam the product from the wool with an iron, setting a delicate mode, soaking the cloth in solution with lemon juice (a pinch of acid per liter of water).
  4. Soak the knitted things for an hour in mustard solution (2 tbsp powder on a basin of water) and rinse.
  5. Soak the wool for half an hour in a solution of salt and vinegar, you need to take a teaspoon of each product for 5 liters of water.
  6. Soak the wool in a solution of glycerin - 1 tsp. means per liter of liquid.
  7. Soak things in a solution of soda with sal ammoniac - 5 drops of ammonia and 1 tsp. soda on a bucket of water.

How to wash a coat of wool?

Washing the coat is more convenient to make in the bath, filling it with water with a temperature of no higher than 30 ° C. The use of bleach is excluded, it is better to dissolve a little special detergent for wool. Then we lower the product into the liquid and press it down to the bottom, waiting for complete wetting. The soaking process lasts no more than 10 minutes, then drain the water. We wash the coat under the shower and hold it over the bathtub until the liquid drains completely. For drying, we spread out the mahr fabric and put the clothes on top, after which it is necessary to roll all together in the form of a dense roll.

Washing in a typewriter coat is made in the "delicate" or wool. " The ideal option - to put things in a special bag, so as not to damage them in the drum. Before the beginning of the process, turn off the spin and rinse. Dry the coat only in a horizontal position. In the question, wool at what temperature to wash in the typewriter, the answer is unchanged - 30 ° C.

How to wash a wool blanket?

A blanket or pillow with woolen fillings is not recommended for washing in the machine. Soak things for 15 minutes in cool water. To do this, lay out the product on the bottom in a soap solution so that it is well soaked. If you chose the machine method, how to wash a blanket from camel wool , then set the switch to "manual" or "delicate" mode, so that the process takes place at low speed. Drying is done on a horizontal plane, trying to aerate the filler.

How to wash a woolen hat?

The decision of a question how to erase a wool in the typewriter, always it is possible to find at reading of designations on a label . If the cap is made half-synthetically and natural yarn, and the labels on the tag do not contain a prohibition on wet-heat treatment, then the problem is solved easier. For safety, it is better to put products in special mesh bags, so that they are not damaged during rotation in the drum, and turn off the spin mode. Hats from pure wool are washed and rinsed exclusively by hand in soapy water at a temperature of no higher than 30 ° -35 ° C.

How to wash a woolen scarf?

When washing, clean undiluted detergent should not come into contact with a delicate pile. First, dissolve the drug in water and then put the scarf in a soapy liquid. Soak lasts no longer than 10 minutes. In the task of wiping wool, it is forbidden to use standard chlorine bleaches. It is desirable to have in the house special powders and liquid solutions for the care of natural yarn, in extreme cases, it is allowed to use shampoo for long-haired pets. Press the scarf carefully, pressing it against the walls of the pelvis without twisting.

How correctly to wash woolen socks?

For delicate work, "Vorsica", "Weasel", Perwoll Wool and Silk, Nikwax Wool Wash or other similar preparations are excellent. Choosing the best ways how to wipe merino wool, we always remember that in any chosen variant it is forbidden to place socks in water with a temperature above 40 ° C and twist it. Try to group products by color, avoiding water-heat treatment of dark, light and brightly colored objects simultaneously in one container. To prevent the formation of spools, we turn out woolen socks before washing.

How to wash knitted woolen things?

When dealing with the question of how to wash things out of wool, you need to learn to distinguish ordinary washing from the primary wet-heat treatment. In the second case, we have a clean yarn to freshen it up, we need to add 1/4 of the cap of the conditioner for the laundry to the basin of water. At the WTO soak for a couple of minutes, the product, then drain the water and rinse things under the tap at a temperature of up to 37 ° C, using a showering can. We finish the treatment with the appearance of clean water and gently squeeze the clothing with your hands. Dry the objects a day horizontally on the towel, giving them the original look.

How to wash a plaid of wool?

For wet processing of blankets, all the basic rules that are used to solve the problem, how to wash sheep wool, are suitable. Soak it better to produce in the bathroom for 10 minutes, using a means for delicate fabrics or hair shampoos at 30 ° C. The liquid must drain off the product in a natural way without twisting. To speed up the drying process, we use a terry cloth, tightly wrapping a plaid in it.