16 midwifery pregnancy week

Each subsequent week of pregnancy continues to amaze the future mother with new sensations and pleasant experiences.

A lot of exciting moments lie in wait for a woman at the sixteenth obstetric week of pregnancy. At this time, the pregnant woman can boast a significantly rounded tummy, a good mood and increased appetite. In addition, 16 midwifery week can please a woman with a reproductive disorder by first movements .

Fetal development at 16 midwifery

By the end of the fourth month of pregnancy the baby becomes quite large, its size reaches 10-11 cm, weight - 150-200 g. At the same time, internal organs and systems are beginning to function:

At 16 obstetric week of pregnancy, the external changes of the fetus are also clearly visible:

Changes in the body of the future mother

As a rule, at this time, the pregnant woman should not complain about poor health and pain. The hormonal background comes back to normal, and the woman becomes more calm and balanced, the mood improves, gloomy thoughts leave. The body gradually gets used to the increased load. In other words, the sensations of a woman on the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy are the most pleasant. The only thing that can upset is the appearance of stretch marks and already a noticeable increase in weight.