Sleep Pose During Pregnancy

Choosing a comfortable sleep position during a current pregnancy for many becomes an agonizing process. Even when a woman seems to have found a position in which she feels comfortable, after a while the baby in the stomach signals her displeasure, forcing the expectant mother to turn over. Let's talk in more detail about the permissible postures for sleeping during pregnancy, and let's name more convenient ones.

How to sleep properly during gestation?

To begin with, it must be said that during almost 1 trimester, a woman is given the so-called "freedom of action", i.e. she can take the most comfortable and favorite position during rest. However, by the 12-13th week, doctors recommend starting to retrain and make sure that the body during sleep is in the right position.

So, the best position for sleeping in pregnancy is the one in which a woman sleeps on her side, and on the left. This position promotes better blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, as a result of which the development of such a violation as fetal hypoxia is excluded.

Also one of the correct poses during sleep for pregnant women is the Fowler position, i.e. reclining. The upper part of the body is located at the bottom approximately at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this, you must put a pillow under your back. In this position, the pressure on the diaphragm, exerted by the uterus, is minimal, so this positively affects the respiratory process and excludes shortness of breath.

These 2 postures for sleeping during pregnancy can be called correct, tk. this is the position of the body does not affect the blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the fetus.

Which poses should be avoided during pregnancy during pregnancy?

Answering this question, it is first of all necessary to say about the supine position. Rest in this position can influence the development of the baby, as well as deliver a lot of inconvenience to the most pregnant:

The most dangerous of the consequences of the rest on the back mentioned above during the bearing of the baby is a violation of the circulation. The thing is that with the increase in the period, the pressure on the blood vessels, which are located directly behind the uterus, sharply increases. The largest of these is the inferior vena cava, which extends along the vertebral column. Violation of blood flow along it can cause the development of asphyxia in the fetus.

The same can be noted and with a dream on the right side. In addition, in this case there is a possibility of developing such a phenomenon as reflux - the contents of the stomach get back into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

It is not recommended to sleep on the abdomen while bearing the baby, even when the size still allows it. Excess pressure on the uterus and fetus leads to the development of uterine hypertension, which can subsequently lead to abortion or premature birth on a long term. Described sleeping postures are inadmissible in the third trimester of pregnancy.

What devices can be used for pregnant women during rest?

In order for a woman in the position to feel more comfortable, there are special pillows. They have different modifications:

Such adaptations allow the future mother to relax and have a good rest.