Diuretics in Pregnancy

Edema is one of the unpleasant complications of pregnancy. In most cases, swelling causes excessive pregnancy weight. And this problem is most actual for women suffering from chronic diseases - diabetes, kidney disease and cardiovascular system. In these cases, edema appears due to the fact that the body does not have time to remove excess water, and it begins to accumulate in the tissues.

To solve this problem, doctors usually prescribe diuretics for pregnant women, called diuretics. Preference is given to Furosemide and Phytosylin.

"Phytosylinum" is a herbal preparation, it has a rather mild effect and does not harm the child and the woman herself. Therefore, it is used quite often and without special fear.

Another diuretic during pregnancy is Furasimide, which is more potent and serious. The drug has many contraindications and side effects. He is prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases, when she has severe swelling, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

In any case, a woman should not independently prescribe to herself or those diuretics for pregnant women. This can be dangerous for your baby, and not always taking medications brings the expected result. The whole point is that swelling has different mechanisms and causes. And to influence them, accordingly, it is necessary depending on a concrete case.

What diuretics are allowed during pregnancy?

Herbal preparations have practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the plant, which sometimes causes heartburn and stomach pain.

Often in pregnancy, edematous patients are assigned various renal teas. Especially shown are diuretic teas for those pregnant women who have kidney diseases. Such teas are based on herbs-diuretics, that is, diuretics. They are able to gently remove excess fluid from the pregnant body, while preventing the possible negative effects of edema. But even this seemingly harmless remedy for edema should be used with caution and only after the appointment of a doctor.

Traditional diuretics in pregnancy

One of the plant diuretics, often used and practically without any risks, is a decoction of leaves and berries of cranberries. To prepare the broth you need 2-3 tsp. leaves, which need to fill 2-3 cups of boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes.

Another popular diuretic is birch leaves and birch buds. Often, this remedy is prescribed if the heart and kidneys that have arisen as a result of edema are disturbed. With the same purpose, you can use a decoction of leaves of bearberry, horsetail, and stamen orthosiphon. These herbs also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

When pregnant as a diuretic, you can use decoctions of mint, fruits of viburnum and linden flowers, as well as a decoction of oat grains, but only after agreement with the gynecologist.

Diuretics for pregnant women: