I blew my neck - how to treat myositis with medicines, massage and physiotherapy?

Ordinary phenomena such as a light breeze, running air conditioning, wind from an open window, clothes out of season, etc. can cause the appearance of painful sensations in the neck. It happens with people of any age and not only in the cold season. If the neck has blown - how to treat this unpleasant affliction? You can use medical help and conservative folk methods.

Blew the neck - what is it?

After contact with provoking factors, the neck muscles swell, become inflamed. The fibers spasmodic, and during the movement irritate the nerve endings, which leads to aching severe pain. This disease doctors call myositis of the neck. The ailment is felt after some time after the emergence of an unpleasant situation, for example, walking without a scarf in the wind, especially if the person is not seasoned and has weak immunity. In addition, the cause of the phenomenon are:

Myositis of the neck - symptoms

As a rule, if cervical myositis has appeared, the symptoms of pain reaction appear after sleep, when in the morning a person gets up from bed. During the night hours the muscles swell, provoking spasms and severe pain. The nature of pain in myositis:

  1. Localize in one place, on the right or left of the neck.
  2. It grows when you touch the affected area.
  3. Increases when chewing, moving, turning and tilting the head.
  4. Can give in ears, forehead, shoulder, whiskey, scapula.

The skin above the painful area can turn red. To the symptoms, a local increase in temperature is added. When the inflammation is strong, the affected area swells, a tingling sensation is felt, the nearby nodes are enlarged. The patient has a feeling of heaviness, shortness of breath, weakness. Neck muscles tighten. The situation is not pleasant, but not all turn to the doctor for advice, if the neck has blown, how to treat this illness at home, cares people more.

Myositis - treatment

If myositis of the neck develops, the treatment is prescribed by a neurologist. He will clarify the cause of the disease and choose adequate therapy. In addition, the general advice is given by the therapist, and in the case when the child's neck has blown, how to treat the pediatrician. Do not ignore the first symptoms of the baby. Various ailments can affect the further development, both mental and physical. In the absence of proper treatment, the ailment is sometimes complicated in a few days by a purulent form, subluxation of the intervertebral joints, inflammation of the pharyngeal muscles, larynx.

Ointment with myositis of the neck

Adults also should not ignore the problem, including when they did not turn to a doctor. If the neck has blown, how to treat this illness at home? The most popular medicine is warming ointments, which must be applied to the affected area, and then provide the patient with complete peace. Some medicines have an analgesic effect. Ointment with myositis helps in a short time to forget about the pain. Among the drugs are:

Some ointments for the treatment of myositis can be prepared by yourself. Folk recipes are simple and affordable. For many years, such household tools as:

  1. Bodyaga dry (in powder) in an amount of 0.5 tsp. mixed with butter. Rubbed into a sore spot.
  2. Chamomile flowers and olive oil are taken in the ratio 1: 1. It is necessary to smear the inflamed muscle and leave for several hours.
  3. Household soap , grated on a fine grater, is poured with water. The agent rubs a leaf of burdock or cabbage, sprinkles with soda and is applied to the affected area.

Tablets with myositis

With a strong lesion of the cervical region and aching pain, it is necessary to take medications in order to remove the inflammatory process. Tablets of this spectrum include non-steroid drugs:

Strong pain helps to calm:

Antibiotics in myositis, as a rule, do not apply. But in the case of an infectious etiology of the disease, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics of a wide range of effects:

Injections with myositis

Not always the cervical myositis proceeds in a mild form and passes after a short course of therapy. If the pain has been troubling for several days, and the use of ointments and tablets does not bring a proper result, measures need to be taken more seriously. To stop the process and the cause of the disease helps acupuncture (acupuncture) - one of the methods of Tibetan medicine. This procedure is designed to normalize muscle tone, eliminate inflammation and pain, prevent the progression of the disease. If the cervical myositis develops in an acute form, treatment is carried out in just 2-5 sessions of acupuncture.

Physiotherapy with myositis

Different kinds of physiotherapy are effective in myositis. You can achieve a positive effect with the help of dry heat (for example, attach a bag of warmed croup to the inflamed area), magnetotherapy, moxotherapy (cauterization of biologically active points), warm wrapping, electric shock, massage. But it is important to remember that the myositis of the muscles of the neck and back does not tolerate rough handling. You can not overheat a sore spot, actively rub it. Physiotherapy if prescribed by the doctor, then in a gentle form.

Massage with myositis

What to do if the neck has blown, and there is no time to visit the doctor and perform physiotherapy procedures? Massage will help. In the absence of severe pain and enlarged lymph nodes inflammation is removed by exposure to diseased points. The thumbs of the massage therapist should slide easily from the shoulder blades to the nape of the neck. The massage enhances the use of essential oils: chamomile, rosemary, juniper, etc. Soft movements of oil rubbed into the skin.

Exercises for myositis

Physiotherapy is one of the methods by which pain in the neck is partially or completely docked. But it is necessary to exercise the utmost care not to aggravate the problem. If the pain during such exercises increases, it is necessary to stop charging. How to treat myositis with the help of exercise therapy? Safe and effective exercises are as follows:

Unpleasant muscle pains usually arise due to hypothermia and with competent timely treatment in a short time stop worrying. If it happened that blew the neck - how to treat this ailment at home? When self-therapy is important, do not damage the damaged area. Local treatment includes massage, the use of ointments, warming. You can take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, but if the problem is not resolved in 2-3 days, go to the doctor.