Fruits of cactus

All have long been accustomed to believe that cacti are ornamental plants, which from time to time bloom, thereby delighting the eye and fulfilling its purpose. This, of course, so, but there are cacti, the fruits of which can be eaten or used for medicinal purposes. One such cactus is the prickly pear. This is a Mexican plant, all the useful properties of which the locals have long appreciated.

What are the benefits of cactus fruit?

Opuntia is the so-called eared cactus. It grows in the form of a small branchy bush. Cactus segments grow one on the other, like ears. Blossoms prickly pear almost all summer, after which you can collect a useful harvest. The fruits of the cactus are oblong and slightly sour to taste. The fruit itself is considered a fruit, but the leg on which it grows is a vegetable. In folk medicine all parts of the prickly pear are used. With the fruits of cactus you need to be careful - they are covered with bunches of small needles, digging into their hands.

The main useful properties of cactus fruits are:

  1. Stems of prickly pears can be boiled and used as a remedy for colds.
  2. Stems and fruits of cacti are impregnated with alkaloids. This causes the antibacterial effect of the use of the plant. With the help of cactus fruits, viral and fungal diseases can be treated.
  3. Very effective edible fruits of cactus in the fight against obesity and diabetes.
  4. Opuntia has astringent properties, so various parts of it (including fruits) can be used to stop blood and wound healing.
  5. Cactus fruits are excellent natural antibiotics. That is, they strengthen immunity, and if necessary, fight with diseases.
  6. The cones of the prickly pear have proven themselves in the treatment of diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes of application of useful properties of cactus fruit prickly pear

You can buy fruits of prickly pears in large supermarkets almost all the year round. Mixing them with simple and affordable ingredients, you can get an effective medicine:

  1. A tablespoon of althea with prickly pear and honey perfectly helps in the treatment of bronchitis.
  2. To knock down the temperature will help decoction of the prickly pear. One third of a glass of cactus fruit should be poured with water, boiled and drunk slightly chilled.
  3. Cactus fruits are useful in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Compresses with chopped prickly pears are recommended to be done two to three times a day.
  4. The juice obtained from the fruits of the cactus can be buried in the ears for the treatment of otitis. A few drops are enough.