17 Secrets of Long-Term Relationships

Any relationship is a constant work, requiring interaction between partners. Therefore, many couples break up, friends disagree and relatives quarrel if someone from the participants refuses to "work" on themselves and relationships.

Now imagine a couple - take a man and a woman - who for a long time worked hard on their relationship, building a strong union !? Do you think they did not think to quit everything and start from scratch? Thought millions of times, but held back, reconciling with misunderstandings, shortcomings and other annoying qualities of their chosen one or her chosen one. In this post, we collected 17 honest revelations of people who are in a long and serious relationship, with the goal of "preventing, preventing and neutralizing" situations that may arise in you. Get ready, humor and tears are next to each other!

1. The worst thing in a long relationship is a laundry for two. Previously, you only washed for yourself, and now the clothes became almost 2 times larger.

2. All the time there is an ongoing dispute about who will take the last piece of delicious pizza. Usually, girls win!

3. Night sleep turns into a real struggle for survival. Because one of you will necessarily want to sleep, spreading all over the mattress.

4. It must also be remembered that new rules for the use of the shower and toilet will be installed in your home.

In this case, each pair has its own zamochki about this. Someone prefers to set limits of decency, forbidding not to close the door to the toilet. Someone completely changes the location of all important items in the bathroom. And someone crazy likes to spend time in the bathtub or in the toilet, reading the latest news, playing a mobile game or just listening to music. Have to accept it!

5. By the way, a compulsory companion of serious relations is a kind of "reminder" to take a shower. I'm glad that at least I do not speak about the toilet!

6. If you think that a long relationship is full of romantic conversations on long quiet evenings, then you are mistaken. Most often, especially in our time, the conversation takes place at the level of thought, without words, burying itself in the gadget's screen.

7. Checked by many couples: over the years, some important anniversaries are gradually erased from memory. Therefore, do not be alarmed if, after 5 years, your chosen one or your chosen one does not remember the date of your acquaintance.

8. There is a custom that sooner or later appears in each pair. In the house where you live, many things get funny nicknames or names that only two of you understand. In fact, it's great!

I call eggs undernourished birds or future birds!

9. Many couples have a few jokes, which are clear only to themselves. The most important thing is that even they can hardly remember the prehistory of the appearance of this or that joke.

10. Sometimes you will be so much wanted to be alone, that you will be happy to spend an hour or two of free time, doing only yourself. It's normal - to relax from each other, so do not be scared.

I just want to listen to Taylor Swift alone

11. If your relationship is serious, and you live together, then rarely do you wear pants or trousers.

In principle, all the sexual intrigue, which both dreamed of before, turns into a domestic view, which you get used to. Be prepared for the fact that panties-pantaloons you will see much more often than seductive lace underwear.

12. Many couples admit that at the most intimate moment, lying side by side in bed, terribly I want to chat about any insignificant rubbish.

13. Being in a long and serious relationship, all the couples shudder at the constant questions of relatives and friends about the date of the marriage. Try to react calmly, without resorting to pressure on the partner.

14. Sometimes, despite the high level of trust in each other, it's hard for you to open up to your partner and tell your thoughts and feelings. It is necessary to understand that a long-term relationship is not a guarantee of mutual understanding and revelation.

I'm not excited about talking about how I constantly feel

15. Serious relationships mean the absence of secrets from each other. Therefore, each of the partners over time, there is jealousy to personal preferences of his chosen one.

Exception Sheet

Approved by husband

16. Romantic mood and cute love messages to each other almost "come to naught," when the candy-bouquet period ends.

17. But most importantly, after going through all the stages, you get a perfect union of two loving hearts, which over the years only grows stronger.

I still fall in love with her every day