That's why you can not achieve your goals: 25 reasons

2018 only started, which means that everyone else will have time to make a list of goals for the coming year. And do you know why many people think that such a do-list is nothing but pampering?

Yes, because they did not manage to achieve what was on this list. The reason for this failure lies not in the lack of purposefulness, some fantastic luck, but in the wrong implementation of the goals set. It's time to fix the situation. Here are 25 reasons why you will not only understand why last year's list of plans for the year remained on paper, but you can easily proceed with the implementation of your plans.

1. We charge a lot of everything at once.

Most planers suggest immediately take on the implementation of something global. Believe me, how quickly you started to achieve this goal, just throw this matter out as quickly. Ideal: every day to do small, albeit not very tangible, steps towards the desired. This process can be compared, for example, with eating a cake. So, or you bite off a big slice slowly, savoring delicious pastries, or in a minute you will dessert all the dessert and as a result you will not feel pleasure and satisfaction, but only the heaviness in the stomach.

2. We give up quickly.

As soon as the motivation begins to fade away, immediately glance at the notebook, in which at the beginning of the year they painted their goal in detail. For example, by the end of the year you want to buy a new car, forgetting about driving in stuffy public transport. Undoubtedly, it's hard to work without holidays, to overtake. Sometimes you want to give up, take the money you earned and go on vacation. At such moments, it is ideal to look into your glider, where it will be detailed, why you need this money, what you save it and how your life will change with the purchase of the car.

3. We concentrate only on negative aspects.

For example, you want to fly to the summer in perfect physical form, dropping a couple pounds. So, in order to save your life from negative things (in this case it's overweight), it's important to add positive moments to it (it can be dancing training on a pylon).

4. We are too demanding in relation to ourselves.

At first we promise ourselves to eat less sweet. Then we lose our motivation, our hands drop and suddenly, when you do not do it, at 23:00 you sit in front of your laptop with a Napoleon plate. As a result, be angry with yourself, and this will lead to nothing good. Allow yourself a small piece of something harmful, but so tasty. Take a short break and analyze why you want to eat less sweet food, what it will give you, how this will change your life. Believe me, in the future, willpower will thank you for it.

5. We do not all know how to formulate our goals correctly.

There is a concept of "smart goal" (SMART goals). In this phrase SMART is an abbreviation, deciphering as: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound. In short: ask yourself realistic specific goals that you can achieve in a certain period of time.

6. Wrong thinking.

If you plan to quit smoking, but at home or at work constantly experiencing stress, then it will be hard to implement. Before you start any changes, eliminate the negative in your life.

7. We are wrong in managing our time.

We are all different, but because what works in the life of one, another person can not help. But, in the end, each of us has 24 hours. If you devote most of your precious time to social networks, then it's time to tie it up. Perhaps you spend it on video games or on empty conversations with toxic people? Get rid of the devourers of your time.

8. We are alone.

The hardest part is to do it alone. Whatever hermit you are not considered, people like air need to communicate with others. Look for someone who will walk with you along the same path. Believe me, it is easier for two to overcome any difficulties.

9. Financial constraints.

Often we believe that in order to lose weight, you need to start walking in the expensive hall. In fact, there are many less costly ways to achieve the goals.

10. We are often distracted.

If we need to focus on what is really important, it's time to eliminate what constantly distracts our attention. Here everything comes down to the prioritization. Important advice: anything that does not help you achieve the goal, delaying its implementation, casts you back one step.

11. There is no clearly planned plan.

When you can not achieve what you want, there is a great temptation to surrender, leaving everything halfway. In order to avoid neglecting the business started at a time of desperation, an important role should be given to planning. A well thought out plan will allow you to find the right actions. In other words, when Plan A does not work, it's time to start the backup.

12. Too many contingency plans.

Yes, it happens and such. There are those who do not have a single spare plan, but there are also people who have at least ten of them. It turns out that creating a large number of alternative options, we give preference to the easiest way to achieve the desired.

13. Do not want to plan anything.

Another reason why many goals remain a dream. If you do not learn to plan, you will fail. Write down on the sheet of paper steps that will help you change your life, turn it into reality. It is important to detail everything, not forgetting the SMART principle (see point # 5).

14. We focus on our failures.

If you make mistakes, then you are on the right track. Problems for those who have never failed. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Winston Churchill: "Success is the ability to move from failure to failure, without losing enthusiasm," and therefore focus on your strengths. Consider mistakes as a useful life experience.

15. We are impatient.

No one achieves his goals overnight. Do you know how many times Thomas Edison invented the light bulb? No, not from the second and not from the third, but from the thousandth. Remember this and do not be in a hurry to get upset when, after weeks or months, you can not achieve what you want.

16. We are afraid to fail.

Of course, you can not try. Then you will not fail, you will not remain at the undisturbed trough. But you can just start, try to succeed. Or do you want to sit all your life in one place, complain about life and not try to change it for the better?

17. We underestimate our abilities.

You do not even know what you are capable of. Human capabilities are endless. All the borders are in our heads. With desire and self-confidence alone, you can easily turn mountains off.

18. We are not completely honest with ourselves.

Sometimes we do not what we want, but what society inspires us or impose on us specific people. It is important to look inside yourself, to understand your true desires. Who knows, but maybe you can not reach a certain goal, because it was imposed by society? Understand what you really want.

19. Concentrate on one thing.

Social psychologists do not tire of repeating that willpower is a limited resource. Stop spraying it to the right and left. It's time to focus on one thing.

20. We compare ourselves to others.

Remember that with whom you need to compare yourself, it's with you in the past. We are all different, we all have our own life experience and each of us, in order to achieve the desired, we have to overcome various obstacles.

21. We see in ourselves only the bad.

Stop looking at yourself as a person who is not able to achieve what he wants. Remember that your thoughts influence your beliefs, which, in turn, generate appropriate actions. Approach the mirror. Now a successful man looks at you, to whom the sea is knee-deep. Cut it to yourself on the nose.

22. We make a schedule for the day.

Spontaneity should not control your day. It will play a cruel joke on the achievement of the goal. Right now, take a pen and a sheet of paper. Make an approximate plan of action for tomorrow.

23. We can not say no.

I do not want to talk much here. It is important to note only one thing. So, people who most often say "no, sorry, but not today", are more successful than others.

24. We do not want to take responsibility.

Change begins and ends with us, our actions, thoughts. Do not wait from the sea for the weather. Only you can change your life. How sad it would not sound, but the whole world does not care how unhappy you are. Do your best to achieve your goals. Do not look for motivation in others. Take responsibility for your own life.

25. We are too focused on the result.

The more you focus on what you need to achieve, the harder will be your journey to the goal. Enjoy every small success, every, albeit insignificant, victory. You will not notice how quickly you will achieve what you desire.