Blackberry leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Blackberry - a berry that resembles the appearance of raspberries, it differs only in color and taste characteristics. The benefits of blackberry leaves is that they are rich in vitamins A, PP, E, group B, contain trace elements (iron, phosphorus, chromium, nickel, zinc), as well as fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Useful properties of blackberry leaves for the female body

The medicinal and positive properties of blackberry leaves include:


Among other things, recently it was scientifically proven that tincture of blackberry leaves prevents the aging of cells.

Juice from the leaves is suitable for treatment:

Tincture of blackberry leaves

Tincture is used in diseases of the respiratory system, namely in the following cases:

The plant also:

Among all the useful properties of blackberry leaves, special attention should be paid to the possibility of scarring old ulcers with obvious complications of thrombophlebitis, with varicose veins, stomatitis, and angina. In this case, the infusion of leaves is used as lotions and mouthwashes.

Broth from the leaves of blackberries

To prepare the broth from the leaves of blackberries, they must be collected while they are still young and fresh. From such raw materials, you can prepare tea, steaming leaves, and you can cook medicinal broths.

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Dry leaves of blackberry pour boiling water (for best effectiveness, let it brew for several hours). After he is infused and will be ready, you need to strain the broth and you can drink, but no more than four times a day.

Precautionary measures

In addition to useful properties, blackberry leaves have contraindications, they include: