Than to deduce or remove maculae from tea on white - what way will be the best?

Periodically, the housewives ask themselves the question, how to remove stains from tea on white, using both household chemistry and folk methods. They should be applied in accordance with the type of tissue, the degree of concentration of the spot and the amount of elapsed time from the moment of contamination.

How to wash stains from tea?

Removal of stains from tea is best to begin without wasting time, until the persistent tannin present in the brewing has colored the fabric. If you could not immediately start removing the stain, then try to wash it with water or thoroughly wipe with a damp cloth. There are different methods and means than to remove stains from tea on white:

  1. Use special stain-removing powders or soap, after cleaning, wash the place of contamination with water, then wash.
  2. For white fabrics, special oxygen bleach, added to hot water, is ideal. In such a solution, the products can remain soaked for 6-8 hours.
  3. Sprinkle the stain with salt, after 30-40 minutes shake it, wipe the place of contamination with a napkin moistened in a solution of ammonia.
  4. From light tissues, tea stains are excreted by soaking them with lemon juice.
  5. You can remove tea stains, using a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  6. If the stain has managed to enter into the fabric, try to remove it by mixing glycerin with ammonia (in a 2: 1 ratio). Put the solution on a water bath, warm to 35-37 ° C and rub the stain well. Leave the soiled area damp for 40 minutes, wash it with detergent after the time has elapsed.

How to wash the stains from green tea?

The stain from green tea on white, like many others, is most easily washed off while it is fresh, often with normal washing with any detergent. Let's touch on several ways effective for saving white clothes, tablecloths, towels spoiled with green tea spilled on them:

  1. Fabric with a dirty area, pull over any capacity and water it with hot water, gradually the stain will disappear.
  2. Sprinkle a fresh stain with salt. Then in the basin with warm water add salt and soak the soiled object for one or two hours. After the specified time, wash.
  3. To clean stains on white things made from natural fibers, prepare a solution of one liter of water, 50 ml of ammonia and shredded laundry soap.
  4. A good stain remover against pollution with green tea is a mixture of vodka and glycerin.

How to wash the stain from black tea?

Black varieties contain a tannin, tannin, which gives us the greatest trouble, as a rapid penetration into the tissue occurs, and the stale spots are harder to remove. The problem of how to wash a stain from tea on white is always problematic, because even after processing the fabric, a yellowish stain can still remain on it. Such spots can be easily removed by the following formulations:

  1. Salt with glycerin. Prepared slurry stain, glycerol salts dissolve and discolor it, then wash the soiled object in the way that suits it.
  2. If the stain is old, use the compound more aggressively. Connect citric acid with oxalic acid (2: 1), add a glass of warm water (will strengthen the action of 20-30 drops of ammonia), apply the mixture on the stain, lightly rub, wash in cool water.

Spots from sweet tea

There are many recipes, how to remove the stain from tea from clothes, there are situations when you need to take advantage of several of them. Avoiding dry cleaning, thinking about how to remove stains from tea on white, you can use such proven by the people means:

Spots from sweet tea can be removed from white clothing in all the ways indicated above, but also a highly effective means in this case will be chlorine or any other modern bleach. Using them, be sure to follow the instructions, but for your own comfort, check the test for how the tissue reacts, carry out on a piece of clothing that is imperceptible to other people's eyes.

Than to deduce a stain from tea from a carpet?

Pollution from tea is not uncommon, soft furniture and carpets are not insured against them. The methods discussed above, how to clean stains from tea from light products and on colored carpets can be applied efficiently, but others can be added to them. Frequently used means of removing tea stains from carpets can be considered folk, used in everyday life methods:

  1. Mix the cold water with the table vinegar, dipped the fleece into it and wipe the stain. This method is used when the stain is processed immediately after the appearance.
  2. Pollution should be cleaned with a tissue moistened with borax solution (10%). Then a pinch of citric acid is diluted in a small amount of water (20: 1), with the addition of salt to fix the dye, again carefully treat the stain and rinse well with cold water.
  3. To process a stain a solution from cold water and glycerin (20 ml on liter).

How to remove stain from tea from the couch?

Learning how to get rid of stains of tea from the carpet, you can apply the same methods to remove the pollution and from the couch . The most universal way to remove a fresh stain from the sofa seat is the use of ordinary household soap and warm water, and any dishwashing liquid, detergent or baking soda will help. In some cases, when removing old contaminants, try using special, modern stain remover compounds, gently testing the result of their application on inconspicuous areas.

How to wash stains from tea on a jumper?

Before you remove stains of tea from white clothes, especially with a jumper, you need to determine whether natural or synthetic fibers are used in its manufacture. Using stain removers, carefully study the instructions, and do not conduct any experiments, especially if they contain aggressive substances. A good, high-quality stain remover costs a lot, so folk remedies can come to help:

  1. With a solution of ammonia and water (1 tsp per liter), soak the stain from the underside of the jumper, then treat the contaminated area with alcohol.
  2. From white things that require delicate treatment, tea hydrogen peroxide will perfectly remove tea spots. To do this, moisten the contaminated area well with liquid, after 15-20 minutes, wash the jumper in cool water.
  3. A woolen product from tea stains will save warmed glycerin, which should be soaked in the area of ​​contamination. Leave a thing with a wet spot for a quarter of an hour, then rinse thoroughly and, according to the rules for washing woolen products, wash.

How to remove an old stain from tea?

To avoid damage to clothing, before washing away the stains from the tea light, choose the appropriate means for washing this type of fabric. For chronic tea stains on cotton or linen fabrics, whiteness is the ideal means of excretion, but it is absolutely not suitable for synthetics. With synthetics or knitwear, the old stain can be removed with a concentrated solution of the whitening detergent powder. Solving the problem, than removing old stains from tea on white, you will have to use the above methods, applying them one by one.