25 exciting secrets that hides the Bermuda Triangle

Have you ever thought, what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle? Let's try to figure it out together. Moreover, we have several facts about this place, which you will be interested to know.

1. Because of the fame and the many tragic stories associated with it, the Bermuda Triangle is also called the Devil's Triangle.

2. Christopher Columbus was the first researcher to notice the oddities associated with this place.

One evening in his diary he wrote down, as he saw a ball of fire falling into the water. Nobody will know what it is. But very likely, Columbus was lucky enough to see a meteor.

3. Columbus was also the first to notice that in the Bermuda Triangle area compasses are very strange to behave.

It sounds mystical, but in fact the readings of the instruments could change because this place is one of the two on the planet where the real and magnetic north are leveled.

4. It is believed that Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" is dedicated precisely to the Bermuda Triangle.

And such rumors play this sinister place on hand, confirming his "stormy temper".

5. Some pilots are confident that flying over the Devil's Triangle, they are lost in time.

Whether this is the case usually happens, it is not known, but it definitely pushes thoughts on time loops and portals.

6. The Bermuda Triangle did not attract public attention until 1918.

Rumors spread after the US Navy Cyclops sank here with three hundred passengers on board. From the ship did not receive a single signal "SOS", and the debris it could not be found. About this tragedy, President Woodrow Wilson said:

"Only God and the sea know what happened to this great ship."

7. In 1941 two sister ships of the Cyclops also disappeared ... moving along the same route.

8. The case of five naval bombers only confirmed the sad glory of the Bermuda Triangle.

This happened in 1945. Bombers flew to the mission, but soon because of the defective compass disoriented in space. They could not find the right course, and they crashed, consuming all the fuel.

9. The term "Bermuda Triangle" appeared only in 1964.

So the place of many disasters was christened Vincent Gaddis in his article for one magazine. After that, many scientists tried to understand the phenomenon of the triangle. In what is happening there are blamed and aliens, and sea monsters, and gravitational fields. But in the end it was decided that explaining the catastrophe in the Bermuda Triangle is just as difficult as understanding why there are so many accidents in Arizona.

10. The Bermuda Triangle is located between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico.

11. Several times in the waters near the triangle, the abandoned ships were observed.

But most of them could not be identified. The fate of the crews and passengers of these ships remains unknown.

12. In 1945, a search and rescue aircraft was sent to search for missing sailors to the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle.

But soon after the flight he also disappeared with 13 crew members on board. After a large-scale search operation, representatives of the Navy in desperation stated that the situation looks like the plane flew somewhere to Mars.

13. But in fact, not everything is as bad as the press writes.

Yes, there are a lot of vehicles and people missing here, but the number of accidents and incidents does not exceed statistical expectations. Nevertheless, it is impossible to discount the regular tropical storms - the usual phenomenon for these latitudes - and not the most affable weather conditions.

14. Like scientists, representatives of the US Coast Guard and leading insurance agencies do not see a greater danger in the Bermuda Triangle Zone than in any other part of the ocean.

15. Most likely, more earthly factors lead to accidents happening here: storms, reefs, strong Gulf Stream waters, powerful magnetic fields, vehicle failures.

16. One of the craziest versions of the cause of frequent catastrophes is the floating methane bubbles that suck the ships.

17. The disappearance of the wreckage of the ships that sank here can be explained by the fact that they are carried away by the Gulf Stream.

18. There is a theory and that various vehicles are sucked into the water by the previously sunk in the Bermuda Triangle spacecraft.

19. Popular scientific theory: The Bermuda Triangle is one of 12 so-called vortex funnels, located throughout the Earth at similar latitudes.

If you believe the researchers, in such funnels often there are different incidents, weakly explainable.

20. In 2013, the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the 10 most dangerous shipping routes in the world. But, strangely enough, there was no Bermuda triangle in this TOP.

21. Many scientists argue that the main secret of the Bermuda Triangle is the desire of the press to make another mystification.

That is why the media regularly spread rumors about this "unfortunate place".

22. In 1955, in the area of ​​the Devil's Triangle found a yacht that survived three strong hurricanes.

The ship was whole, but there was no crew on it. And where he went, no one knows.

23. The Bermuda triangle will not seem so eerie if you know the statistics of the US Coast Guard.

According to the latter, the number of disappeared vessels is negligible compared to the total number of ships passing along this path.

24. Psychologists believe that the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle is nothing more than a self-suggestion.

It's just that people set themselves up for the fact that accidents here are a common occurrence. And when they receive information about the incident - even if not completely mysterious - their faith in the hoax is strengthened.

25. How many incidents are happening here in reality? Well, until now, about 20 yachts and 4 planes still disappear in the Bermuda Triangle every year.