Cystitis in cats: treatment

Cystitis, that is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder - the disease is not only "human", they are sick and pets, especially felines. The first sign of cystitis in a cat - the animal begins to visit the tray often, but there is very little urine. In this case, the animal can meow for no apparent reason.

Causes of cystitis in cats

By itself, cystitis in cats is rare. Usually it is a continuation of pyelonephritis or the result of activity of parasites.

Cystitis can be the result of infection, when attached to the knitting.

Incorrect feeding, lack of drinking water, castration are additional factors contributing to the development of cystitis in cats.

Signs of cystitis in cats

If you notice one of the symptoms of your pet, you should be alert:

Before deciding on the treatment of cystitis in a cat, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian: even if all the signs are obvious, and you are sure that it is cystitis, prescribe drugs and determine their dosage can only be a doctor.

How to treat cystitis in cats?

The very first thing you need to do is make an appointment with a veterinarian. Even if there are no admixtures of blood or pus in the urine of the animal, it is impossible to stay with the doctor for a visit.

Animal needs to provide complete peace. Mandatory treatment of cystitis: warm litter and regular access to water. If in the bathroom and toilet, where the animal periodically appears, cold tiles without heating, all efforts for treatment can be in vain. Therefore, it is desirable to either move the animal tray to a warmer place, or to cover the cold floors with warm inexpensive mats.

Diuretic preparations of vegetable origin, such as decoction of horsetail, can be added to drinking water.

It is not recommended to prescribe medications independently and determine their dosage! If the causes of cystitis are parasites, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs alone can only aggravate the situation. To prevent cystitis from becoming chronic, it is necessary to find out the causes of its appearance: infection, parasites or other diseases of internal organs. To do this, you will have to pass an analysis of urine, possibly blood, to conduct a thorough examination of the animal.

Hemorrhagic cystitis in cats

This is an extremely unpleasant inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine.

Severe hemorrhagic cystitis is accompanied by anemia (consequence of loss of blood). Treatment almost always requires antibiotics. Antibiotics for cystitis in cats are prescribed by a veterinarian.

In the spring, when animals stretch to lie on the windowsills, and also with the arrival of cold weather, in cats there is an exacerbation of a cystitis because of a supercooling. Of course, you can treat the animal twice a year, but it is worth remembering that the cystitis drug for cats is excreted by the kidneys together with the urine, which is an additional burden on the urinary system of the animal. Cats with cystitis as the result of pyelonephritis, an additional regular load on the kidneys can significantly undermine health. Therefore, it is better to take preventive measures to prevent recurrence of cystitis in cats: to cover the places where the pet likes to lie with soft warm coverlets, and periodically add in the spring and autumn the broths of diuretic herbs.